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"Bats what do we do" Flash asked worried 

"Well first you have to calm down or else you are going to scare them" Batman said 

"How are we supposed to be calm, do you see them" Superman asked 

"Yes I see them and we are going to have to deal with this, but first we have to deal with them" Batman said 

"And how do you suggest we do that" Black Canary asked 

"Well since they are kids now, they cant take care of them selfs. so we have to take of them. And yes that mean we have to change the dippers, feed them and entertain them" Aquaman said 

"How are you so calm about this and how do you know what to do" Flash asked 

"Well if you remember I have a kid of my own, so that means I know how to take care of a kid. Doesnt Wally live with you, didnt you raise him" Aquaman asked 

"Well yeah he lives with me and I kinda raised him, but he didnt start to live with me till he was like 10. He knew how to do everything himself at that point" Flash said 

"How did this even happen" Superman asked 


-----flash back------

The team was on a mission. It was supposed to be a covert mission, but we all know how those end. They were doing good until Simon came into the picture. He sensed Megan and brain blasted her, but since she could sense his to she could fight him. Thats when they started to fight since their cover was blown

"Kid, Robin you guys go and get the intel" Aqualad ordered 

"Connor, make sure that no one goes after Miss Martain right now" 

"Artemis, get to some high ground and help me fight these guys" 

Everyone went and did what they were told. While Robin and Kid Flash got the intel they saw something that got their attention. It was a file on a gas that could do something to people. Since they are to noisy for their own good they kept looking. They found that this gas could either turn someone into a kid or turn them really old depending on what temp it is at

"Simon is down" Megan said 

"We got the intel plus some other stuff to" Kid Flash said 

"Good job everyone, lets get out of here" Aqualad said 

They all ran to the bioship. On the way to it Artemis and Aquald took down some more people. Robin was riding on Kid Flashes back. Connor and Megan were already at the bioship by the time the rest showed up

"Lets get going" Robin said 

They left the battle. On their way back to the mountain a gas started to fill the ship. Everyone started to cough, Robin didnt have time to pull out a rebreather before he passed out. Before Megan passed out she told the ship to take them to the mountain. When the bioship showed up at the mountain Batman was waiting for the team to come out but they never did. Batman was getting worried so he opened my bioship, when he did he saw no one. He walked in and found out why he didnt see anyone and why they never came out. There laying on the floor were 5 toddlers and one baby

----end of flash back------

"and you guys know the rest" Batman said 

"so how long are they going to be like this then" Black Canary asked 

"I dont know, we have a soultion to this in the batcave. We can see if that will do anything" Batman said 

"Ok so you go get that and we will handle the kids when they wake up" Black Canary said

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