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Get ready for some cringe worthy chliche one shot right here, I couldnt think of anything else so this is what came out of that


(Artemis prov) 

Right now me and the team have nothing going on so we are all just chilling and doing nothing. Robin is the only one that is actually doing something but to be fair that is training and no one else wants to do that

"Im so bored" Wally complained

"Well what do you suggest we do baywatch it not like we have a mission today" I asked 

"How about we go to the beach. Last time I wasnt able to go but this time I can plus its a nice day out and we have nothing to do" Wally suggested 

"That sound like a good idea, lets do it" Aqualad said 

"Ill make some food for us to take" Megan said 

"Ill go get Robin" Wally said 

(Wally's prov) 

I zoomed to the training room to get Robin. When I got to the Training room Robin was on a beam doing some tricks. I just stand there watching him

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to say something" Robin asked

"Well since we have nothing to do, everyone was bord which turned into comeing up with the idea of going to the beach. How about you stop training and come have fun with us on the beach" I asked 

"Im good. I need to keep training so go ahead and go without me" Robin said 

"Come one man, you have been training all day and yesterday. You need to take a break plus it is great team bonding" 

"I said Im good Wally" Robin said angerly

"Dude. I know that batman didnt tell you to train like there is no tomorrow so there is no reason for you to" 

"Im.Good" Robin snapped 

I took a step back shooked. Robin never snapped at me like that something is up. I know it not the day. That is in 6 months. I zoomed back to the living room 

"Where is he" Megan asked 

"Still training. He got mad at me so I say just give him time to cool off and we can check on him in a bit" I said

"Are you sure, I feel bad leaving him out" Megan said 

"Yeah, he needs time calm down" Wally said 

"Ok well lets go to the beach then" Artemis said

(Robins prov while they are on the beach)

I punched the punching bag so hard that it went flying across the room. Im breathing really hard and just thinking. I wish I go to the beach with my team and enjoy the great day but if I did it would come with something I dont want happening. They would all feel bad for me, even Wally even though he knows what I do. They will all see my scars and think that I'm weak, and that I need proction. I cant let that happen not again

"Well sicne I cant go with them to the beach, I can still go to the pool and work on my underwater breathing" I said to my self

I went to the swimming pool after getting my shorts. I ready myself like how Batman taught me to do and then I jumped in and went to the bottem. When I got to the bottem I sat down crisscross. Batman also showed me a trick to make it so you dont float up to the top. The longest I have lasted under water was almost 20 minuets, Im hopping to get to at least 30 at somepoint. While Im doing this it gives me time to think, think about everything that has happened and everything that is going on

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