Family Ties

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Like usual the team were just hanging out in the cave. They just got back from a mission so they werent expecting another mission to come so fast 

"Guys Batman is calling" Kaldur said 

They all stopped what they were doing and went to the main room. Robin pulled up the video of Batman so that they all could see him and so he could see them. Batman just sighed and looked annoyed which is nothing new for him

"Ok I cant believe im about to do this but since Robin is with you ill allow it. You all have to go to Gothem and help taking down some people" Batman said 

Robin looked suprised by what Batman said. The rest of us looked confused 

"Dont you have a no sups in Gothem rule" Wally asked 

"Yes I do, but the Joker, Riddler, Harly, and Ivy are all out and they teamed up. Since Robin is with you and Blue Jay is the only one that is out there I'm sending you guys out. Robin is in charge, do what he says without question, this is Gotham" Batman said 

You could tell that Robin was mad. The team wasnt sure why though becasue they all thought that he wanted to be leader so this would be a great way to lead. Robin then suddenly started yelling in a language none of them new. Wally knew a few phrases but he was not fluent 

In Romanian

"What. Hold up you are telling me that Uncle J, Uncle R, Aunt Harls, and aunt ivy are all back and destroying stuff. I thought we got Uncle J medication and the rest decided to take a break or be done with that life. Who forgot to make sure that J took his medication. I know for sure that it wasnt my week to make sure. Also Blue Jay really, you and I both know that she can take care of herself. Plus I thought she  was at home making sure  Satain doesnt kill Geek and demon!" 

Batman just sighed and shook his head 

"Yes it seems that they are back and that someone forgot. Dont ask me who though I have been off world for a week so go and ask Blue Jay if you really want to know. I know she can talk care of herself but this is good chance for your team to get to know how it is to take on someone like them. If anything you can just tell them to stand there a watch since you are fighting your aunts and uncles. As for the others, I have Catwoman and Mother watching them so I know nothing will happen. Also Blue jay is in charge again" Batman said 

"UUUGGGHHHH. What am I going to do when I call them aunt and uncle because you and I both know that if I or Blue Jay call them anything else it is going to get ugly. You already know im going to have to bench them so what is the point of taking them. Why is she in charge again, Im older than here by a good 6 months. Plus she makes us do stupid things when she is in charge" Robin complained 

"Come up with something for that. Have Wally help you he knows about this messed up family. Try not to but if you have to then go ahead and its good for them. She is in charge because she is more muture and because I said so" Batman said and then the screen when black

Robin just screamed out of no where. The whole team jumped, they all looked suprised by his sudden out burst

"I hate you bats and you five" Robin said pointing at a camera "I know you are all watching this and I will be beating all of you when I get back same goes for Blue Jay and Batman" Robin yelled and then walked off mumbleing 

The whole team didnt know what to do so they just followed him to the bio ship. They all got on and it was quite for the most part exept for Robins mumbling that not even connor could understand what he was saying. No one knew what to say to Robin so they sat in silence for the whole trip

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