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(Robins prov)

Bruce is an idiot. a pure idiot. I thought Jason could be one, or maybe even Slade at some point but bruce just trumped them all. Who in their right minds would give 5 teens his credit card and tell them that the limit is a car. And then he had to say a cost of a lambo since Artemis wouldnt shut up about which kind of car

"Rob you comeing, this is a once in a life time thing dude" Wally yelled 

I just rolled my eyes, yeah right once in a life time for everyone else beside us two. With how many times he has been shopping with me you would think that he wouldnt get this exited

"Yeah, yeah Im coming" I said 

we were all sitting in the bio ship on the our way to the mall. I was not excited in the slightest. I will have to follow my teammates around the mall going in and out of stores while they spend as much as they can. I still don't get why he gave them the money. It was probably Clarks idea let's be honest here

"So where are we going to go first" Wally asked

"I vote we go to hot topic first" Artemis said

"Oo, can we go to JCPenney I was looking online and they had some really cute outfits" Megan said

"Megan you can litterly just look at an outfit and morf your cloths into it" Artemis deadpaned

"I know but still"

"I would like to go to a book store" Aqualad said

Connor just grunted, everyone knew he would care were they went

"What about you Robin" Megan asked

"I don't care" I said

"Oh come on there has to be at least one store you want to go to" Artemis said

" no not really"

"How, we get to go shopping and go into whatever store we want to and bascally buy the store so there has to be a place you want to go" Artemis said 

I just sighed and pulled out my wallet. I pulled out three cards

"This one is the one that B gave you guys to spend. Then there is this one, B gave me this one when I was 10 it has more money than yours. Lastly this one is mine it has more than the one B gave me when I was 10. so no there isnt a store I want to go to since I came here last week" I said 

Everyone was quite after that. For some  reason in all of their eximent they forgot that Robin was related to Batman and had his own money to spend

"We are here" Megan said 

everyone got out and walked the rest of the way to the mall. Wally was about to just zip to the mall but Robin was holing onto his jacket to stop him from doing that. Once everyone got into the mall they all just stood there and looked around 

"Where are we going first" Megan asked 

"Well since the book store is right here how about we go there" Artemis said 

---time skip-----

So far the team has been in and out of the mall because of how much they have been spending. so far everyone has at least 20 bags each exept for Robin he has 0 bags. 

"Hey guys can we go to gamestop I want to see something" Wally said 

"Sure lets go" Kaldur said 

When they got to gamestop Wally went strainght to the section with the pops. He was looking for a while until he found what he was looking for. He picked them all up and went to the counter, he then had robin pay and hid them from his teammates despite their begging to see

"You guys can see when we get to the mountain" Wally said 

"Hey guys I dont know about you but im hungry lets hit up the food court" Artemis said 

They all walked over to the food court and found a table that would fit all of them. They had one person stay and save the seats while everyone else went and got food. That person was Robin, Wally was getting his food for him

"What are you doing here green toes" Someone said 

"Oh you know B gave a lot of money to the team so now im here walking around with them while they act like children. How about you Jason to busy for you" Robin shot back still looking at his phone

"B is stupid, let me guess Clark had something to do with it. And for your information Jason isnt to busy for me, Im to busy for him" 

"Yeah Im guessing he had something to do with it. Oh how did that go over with Jason" 

The person was about to respond when the team came back with food

"Who is this Robin" Megan asked 

"This is" Robin started to say

"Hi, names Cass nice to meet you guys" 

"You always have to interupt dont you" Robin asked 

"You know me to well green toes" Cass said 

"Oh well its nice to meet you im..." Kaldure started 

"Oh I already know who you guys are, green toes here talks about you guys so does Wally" Cass said as she pulled up a chair 

Everyone sat down and started to eat their food. They were all talking and enjoying them selfs 

"Well I have to go now I have things to do see ya" Cass said 

"Yeah things to do also known as Jason" Robin yelled 

"Oh shut up, you have no room to talk green toes" Cass yelled as she walked away

The whole team was staring at Robin with confused looks, Wally was trying not to laugh to hard

--time skip---

The team was done shopping and now they are back at the cave

"Ok Wally what did you get at gamestop that you wouldnt show us earlier" Artemis asked 

"These" Wally said

He then handed out pops to the right person. In each of their hands was a pop of them selfs 

"No way they came out with pops for us" Artemis said 

"Dude they come out with pops for everyone but I had to get these ones they are so cool" Wally said 

"Thank you wally" Megan said 

Kaldur said thanks and Connor just grunted. They then all went through what they got at the mall and sorted it out. Robin was just watching them and laughing to himself

"Bats still idiot" 

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