Feild trip

413 17 2

(In this one everyone knows Robins Id. I am only going to call him Robin though since im useing my schools computer and it will snowball me if I type his name, but they know who Robin is)






Damian: 9

The team: same age as the show so 16-18



"Hey guys" Artemis asked 

"Whats up" Wally asked 

"Yes" Megan said 

"We know Robins ID now but we have never seen him out of the mountain, you know like his house and what his life is like not as a super hero. I mean the only thing I know about his life is what I see at school" Artemis said 

"You know my friend you are right. Robin knows how our lifes are outside of heroing but we dont know what his life is like, we should go to his house to see for our selfs" Kaldur said 

At this Wally spit out the water he was drinking and started to cough because he as choking and laughing. Everyone stared at him funny waiting for him to catch his breath

"You...guys wan...want to go to his house" Wally laughed out

"Well I mean would it really be that bad. Its not like we are strangers and plus we just want to know what his life is like out of being a hero" Megan said

"I dont think it is a good idea guys, his life is pretty crazy and thats not including his home life" Wally said 

"Oh come on how bad can it be, just text him and see if hes cool with it" Artemis said 

"Okkk but I dont know if he will go with this" Wally said 

Wally texted him, but he didnt respond. Wally gave up on trying to get Robins response and he knew the team werent going to give up on this so he texted someone he knew was going to respond right way, another he really didnt want to text him

Wally texted Bruce

"He said its ok, we will be staying for dinner and there is no getting out of it so text who ever and tell them you wont be home till late" Wally said and then got up and started to walk away

Everyone texted who they needed to if they did need to and then followed wally to the Bio ship. Once there Megan started to drive it in the direction of Gotham. Once in Gotham Wally told her were to park and then showed them the way

"Well here we are" Wally said 

Everyone stopped to look at the huge house

"How many people live here" Connor asked 

"8 with the occastional person staying the night or for a week" Wally said 

Wally walked up to the door and started to open it when Kaldur stopped him

"Shouldnt we knock" He asked 

"Dude Ive been comeing here since I was 10, knocking is way in the pass for me. Plus they wouldnt be able to hear it anyways, they barly hear the doorbell" Wally said as he walked in

The rest of the team just shrugged and followed him. When they got inside they heard alot of things banging against something and then some yelling afterwards. As they were walking to the living room Wally stopped and told the team too to. They were confused as to way but all Wally did was put up 3 fingures and started to put them down. Once his hand hit 0 two boys fell out of the sky and landing on the ground

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