Out of Your League

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Part: Diamond is Unbreakable 

-Josuyasu [Josuke x Okuyasu] (implied)
- bodyguard & popstar au 
- suggestive themes | (mention)   violence 

After his last bodygaurd was shot, Josuke or better known as Crazy Diamond, had his manager hire a new one as quickly as possible before his next show on tour. He expected another grizzled old man, but instead got a spunky, dense but hot as hell, rookie...

The popstar, was in a panic he could hear his fans screaming his name and begging for the show to start, but he simply couldn't. After an attempt on his life as made he wasn't going anywhere without a bodyguard, the problem was, the new guy hadn't arrived yet. Josuke cursed and he played with a few strands of his hair, taking them out of his pompadour before putting them back in. His manager, was growing paler by the moment and the female glanced down at her watch, she grabbed the popstar's arm. 

"Jo!"Reimi began, "You have to go out there-! If we stall for any longer-!"

Josuke shook his head, "No way!" he glanced in the mirror and groaned, as some of his lipstick smeared across his face as he jerked his hand. He wiped it clear quickly. "I'm not risking my life! Where the hell is the old geezer-?"

"Actually,"the pink-haired woman began, a little bit of her worry falling away. "It's not an old man..."

"Oiy! So sorry I'm late! Got caught in traffic, and I had some trouble finding this place!"a male voice cut in, real rough sounding. Josuke furrowed his brows and he turned towards the doorway, where a man possibly around his age stood dressed in a black crisp suit. Or it would have been crisp, had it not have a few stains of what appeared to be spaghetti sauce all over it. The popstar frowned a little, and his blue eyes racked over the replacement. His face was well-shaped and two curved scars ran down his face, right over his eyes. Which appeared to be a silver color - no, looking closer now, Josuke found they were the softest shade of purple he could think of.  They were gleaming with a childish embarrassment, a soft flush was on his face and he was out of breath. The purple-haired male laughed a little and he waved, heading off towards the door of his dressing-room. 

"Don't worry, I won't deduct anything from your pay for this tardiness. But afterward, "the popstar glanced backward. "It's a five-dollar cut for every minute you aren't here."

The new bodyguard blinked a few times, and he bowed swiftly, though Josuke didn't let the anger that split across his features go left unnoticed. "Yes! I understand, sir!"

"Good. Now, come along! The fans have been waiting long enough!" all the serious air left the pop star as he walked through the door, his long coat swishing as he went. Okuyasu, who stuffed his hands into his pockets and pulled out his name tag stuck it to his suit jacket. He had a sneer across his face, gods, how did he end up here working for a prick like this guy? The man groaned and he rubbed at his face, he needed this money. If he was ever going to help Keicho afford the cancer treatment for their father. How hard could bodyguarding be, it was just like babysitting. though, frankly, the only thing Okuyasu had ever babysat was a stray cat he found. He causally kicked a wall as he walked out towards the stage after his employer.  Reimi watched the pair go and she sighed deeply. This was going to be an interesting few months. 


Josuke was letting down his hair, brushing out the voluminous locks. He pouted deeply glancing back at his bodyguard who sat upon one of the chairs in the dressing room, dozing off. The popstar smiled softly, as he watched the man rest for a while the soft look on his face contrasting his rough features. He paused and leaned back on his vanity, tilting his head as he read the male's name-tag, that had letters sprawled in almost illegible handwriting. Okuyasu. The violet-haired man thought to himself. Means billion...Hmph. So, he's Japanese like me. He stepped forward and roughly kicked at the man's chair. This successfully stirred Okuyasu from his slumber and he jumped blinking a few times.

"Oiy," the pop star began with an expression of annoyance. "Sleeping on the job already?"

"Listen, "Okuasyu grit his teeth and he stood up getting into the other's face. The celebrity was taken aback by this, but he stood his ground squaring his shoulders back and rising to his full height. When he was younger, he had only reached somewhere around 5'10 now, though, he had shot up to his fathers height of 6'5" that often enough was able to make others back off. Okuyasu didn't catch the hint and instead glared up at the other. "I'm only here because I need to make money. And you, Mr.Autotune pay well for some guy to babysit you."

Josuke growled, "Oh? Babysit? Is that what you think you're doing!"he grabbed the bodyguard by the collar. "Do I look like a child to you?"

"A little." the male smirked and his light-colored eyes gleamed with a challenge. The tension was burning between the two of them, both ready and willing to fight. "Especially with that out of style hair-do you had. A pompadour wasn't it? Still as stupid as it was back in the what, 80's?"

"What."Josuke hissed out and the dark-haired male caught on to the shift in tone. Suddenly, the popstar went from simply simmering wit rage, to downright murderous. His bright blue eyes had gone cold, shifting the color to the dark blue you'd find at the bottom of the ocean. "Did you just say about my hair?"

Okuyasu didn't answer him, instead, he was to busy staring at the rage twisted features of the pop star. With all the makeup, and shiny outfits he had taken the guy for some prissy fool. that lethal venom dripping through Josuke's voice wasn't something that belonged to that of a rich-asshole, and the way he was baring his teeth showed that Okuasyu had struck a nerve. The light-eyed man tilted his head, and with his mind washed off all the makeup. He could recognize the face of a delinquent anywhere. 

"Nothing," he mumbled out and he back away, stuffing his hands into his pocket with a soft smile. "I think the hair looks rocking on you. So, does the angry snarl. You should do it more often it would make your fans soak their undergarments."

Josuke blanked, "Did you just-?"

"Say you're hot when you're mad?"Okuyasu flashed his employer a swift smile as his features flushed. "Yeah. Here's something you should know, I don't think before I do something. I just do it."

The popstar crossed his arms over his chest, allowing that earlier comment to slip. Though,  next time his new bodyguard wouldn't get off the hook so easily. "I can see that. How long are you going to be here?"

"About..." the man began to count on his fingers. "Three months- that is, if there are no complications with the surgery."

"Yikes,"Josuke smirked and he leaned his arm upon the other's shoulder. "Three months is plenty of time to get you to fall in love with me."

"Ha!"Okuyasu barked out a laugh, and he shoved the purple-haired man away. "Like I'd fall for someone like you, asshole. You're not quite my type."

"We'll see." the pop star gave the other a sharp grin, which made the light-eyed man's heart stop for a few seconds. He gulped and flushed deep red staring at his employer, who waved grabbing up his jacket and keys. "Now, stop gaping like a fish! We gotta get on that tour bus and hit the road again!"

"We?"the bodyguard mused slowly, and Josuke frowned.

"In the contract, it stated that...Wait. Did you not read it?"he asked and from the dumbfounded look he was given gave him his answer. "You didn't read it?"

"It felt right so, I just signed."Okuyasu defended and his employer laughed softly. He clapped the man on the back, who jumped at the sudden psychical contact. Josuke gave him a smile, softer than the one before.

"We, are going to be good friends you and I."

Reimi's voice boomed from across the way, "Hurry the hell up! or, I'll leave you behind and you can walk to L.A!"

'We're coming! don't be a bitch!"

"I can get rid of your record deal real quick, boy!"

"Fine! Fine!"

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