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So before we start there are things you need to know. You can skip it if you want.

Y/n: your name
L/n: last name
M/n: mother's name
F/n: father's name
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: eye color
F/c: favorite color
F/f: favorite food

Personality; smart, listens to music, hates being in crowds.

Quirk; you have 3 quirks cause I couldn't think of one.

Quirk 1; weapon creation: can create weapons
Quirk 2; wings: you have wings to fly
Quirk 3; hell fire: just fire that is hotter than normal flames. It is passed down through generations of loyalty. It also makes your body heat hotter than normal.

Well that's all I can think of. Enjoy

I woke up very early. I had alot to do because my parents are on business. I have to cook, clean, take my little sister to daycare, wash clothes, and go to U.A entrance exams. I never told my parents that I wanted to go to U.A cause they are villains. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I want to be a hero and show my little sister what's right. I started cleaning up and then started cooking. Once I was done I got my little sister up to eat.

"When is Mommy and daddy coming back?" Ava asked.

"Hopefully not anytime soon." I sighed.

She started eating her pancakes. I sat down and ate. Once we finished, I cleaned the dishes, got ready, and helped Ava get ready.

"All finished." I smiled.

She jumped up and we walked out the house.

"Y/n!" Iida shouted as we walked out.

"Hi Iida." I waved.

"Iida!" Ava yelled and ran towards him.

"Are you going to drop her off?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Are you going with us?" Ava jumped up and down.

"Yeah I'll walk with ya'll." He lifted Ava over his shoulder.

We walked all the way to Ava's school. Once we got there Iida placed Ava on the ground and she ran off with her friends. Me and Iida walked away in silence.

"So is your parents back from their vacation?" He asked.

"Nope." I smiled.

"Do they know you are going to apply to U.A?"

"You know I can't tell them." I said.

"Then leave them. You and your sister can stay with me. I don't want to see you hurt anymore." He hugged me.

"I can't. I'll just leave everything behind. There is still good in them." I let a tear slip.

"I just...your my best friend, I don't want anything to happen to you." His hug got tighter.

"I'll be fine." I hugged him back.

We parted and continued to walk in silence. Once we got on U.A grounds, it got loud. Iida gave a boy with green hair a look. I nudged him and we walked into a auditorium. We took our seats together.


I walked with Iida to get Ava. Once we got there she ran up to me.

"I got to make you this." She handed Iida a painting.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I picked her up and we walked to my house. I opened the door and let Iida and Ava in. I made lunch and started to wash clothes.

"Here let me help." Iida grabbed some clothes to fold.

"Thanks." I smiled

Ava ran in with a doll.

"Can you play with me?" Ava asked.

"Once we finish." Iida smiled.

She ran back to her room. We finished folding clothes and walked into Ava's room.

"So what do you want to play?" I asked.

"Let's have a tea party!" She shouted.

~a week later~

I went to check the mail box for the U.A letter. It came in! I ran inside and opened it.

"Young Y/n, you have been accepted into U.A! You were #1 with the score of 60 points and 67 hero points. You are now on the next level to becoming a hero. You are in class 1-A. School starts tomorrow,  your U.A uniformwill be sent to you personally!" Almight said through a disk thingy.

I smiled and felt something hug my legs.

"Congratulations Y/n." Ava smiled.

"Thank you" I lifted her up.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed  2 bowls. I put fruits in the bowls. We sat at the table. That's when there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see that a box from U.A. I brought it in and opened it.

"What is that?" Ava asked.

"My uniform." I smiled.

I went and placed it in my room. When I walked back Ava let out a sneeze which activated hell fire.

"I'm sorry." She jumped back.

"Don't worry." I smiled while trying to control the fire.

~next day~

I woke up, made breakfast, and got Ava up.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Morning." She rubbed her eyes.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down as Ava walked in slowly. Once we were done I went to get ready, then helped Ava with her hair. We walked out the door and like always Iida was walking up the sidewalk.

"Iida did you get into U.A!" Ava shouted.

"Yes." He lifted her up.

"Iida, is Tensei picking me up after school?" She smiled.

"Yes." He smiled.

We got to Ava's school, dropped her of, and then went to U.A.

"What class are you in?" I asked.

"1-A." He smiled.

"Me to. Now carry me to class." I jumped on him.

"Like always." He chuckled.

We got to a huge door and he dropped me. We walked into class and I took a seat next to him.

I hope you like the chapter.
Word count: 956

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