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Your p.o.v

We were standing outside in the U.A gym clothes. Mr. Aizawa, the teacher, was discussing the information we needed to know for the test he was giving us.

"Y/n, what was your throwing score in middle school?" He asked.


"Alright throw it now and use your quirk." He pointed to a circle on the ground.

He handed me a ball as I walked by. I stood in the circle and traced the lines on the ball. I lifted the ball and without burning the ball, I threw it. I turned towards everyone and Aizawa lifted up something with my score on it.

"796 meters." He said.

"Wow." Everyone said.

"First 50 meter Dash. Y/n and Iida, your first." He pointed to lines on the ground. There was a robot at the end.

"The winner buys the other one lunch tomorrow." I smirked.

"Alright." Iida smiled.

I let out my wings which ripped the back of my gym clothes.

"Alright go." Aizawa said.

We both took off and I used my fire to get me to go faster. I crossed the finish line with Iida behind me.

"I won, you owe me lunch tomorrow." I teased.

"Alright." He smiled.

"Y/n 3 seconds, Iida 3.04 seconds." Aizawa said.

We walked back and everyone was staring at me.

"Can I touch your wings?" A brown haired girl asked.

"Sure." I smiled.


I sat on top of Iida's desk. He was on face time with his brother.

"Hi Tensei." I said.

"Hi Y/n. Ava just took a nap so would you stay for dinner?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Well we will see you soon." Iida hung up.

I got off the desk and walked with Iida to the door.

"Are you two dating?" Mineta asked.

"No." I said.

Iida opened the door for me and we both left. Once we got to Iida's house, his brother came out.

"How was school?" Tensei asked.

"Amazing. Iida has to buy me lunch tomorrow." I smiled.

"What you win this time?" He asked

"A 50 meter dash." Iida mumbled.

"That's what I'm talking about." Tensei gave me a high five.

"Can we go inside." Iida pushed past Tensei.

I walked inside and hugged Iida's mother.

"Hi mom." I smiled.

"Hello Y/n. How was school?" She hugged me back.

"I beat Iida in a 50 meter dash." I said.

"Y/n." Ava rubbed her eyes.

"Did we wake you?" Iida asked.

"No." She walked up to him.

I sat on the couch and Ava jumped on me.

"What you do in school?" I asked.

"We went outside and today was my friends birthday so we got cupcakes." She smiled.

"Dinner is done." Iida's mom said.

We walked towards the kitchen and sat at the table. We ate and cleaned up. I helped Ava with her shoes.

"Thank you for the food." I smiled.

"Your welcome. Tenya, Tensei walk them home." Their mom smiled.

"Yes ma'am." They both said.

Tensei opened the door for us and then gave Ava a piggyback ride. I let out my wings and I floated around.

"Y/n do that thing again." Ava smiled.

I did a cartwheel, 3 flips, and did a landing in the air. The 3 cheered. I started walking  and tripped on thin air. Literally, I was in the air and fell over nothing. Good thing I was caught by Iida.

"Thanks." I felt my face heat up.

"No problem." He smiled.

He placed me down and I began to walk again. We walked up to my house and I grabbed Ava from Tensei.

"Bye." We waved.

They left and went inside to only find the house trashed. That's when we were face to face with my angry parents.

"What the hell is this!" My mom had my U.A exception disk in her hands.

I moved Ava behind me. Sh slapped me and I fell to my knees.

"Y/n." Ava grabbed my arm.

"Ava run to Iida and Tensei." I whispered.

She nodded her head and my dad grabbed my hair.

"Answer us!" He shouted.

I looked behind me to see Ava slip out the door.

"I was accepted to U.A." I said.

I was thrown into the wall. I left a dent in it and tried to get up.

"What makes you think your going to be a hero. Your useless." My dad chuckled.

I grabbed onto a wall and ended up cutting my hand.

Iida's p.o.v

I was walking back home when I heard small footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Ava crying.

"Ava what's wrong?" I asked.

"They're back." She was trembling.

"Who?" Tensei asked.

"My mom and dad." She hugged him.

I took off running back to Y/n's house. Once I got there Y/n was wrapping a bandage on her hand.

"What happened?" I grabbed her arm.

She was shacking.

"They left with some man. They want me and Ava gone before they get back." Her eyes were full of tears.

"I'm sorry." I hugged her.

She started crying and I carried her like a baby out the door. She held her injured hand against her chest.

"What happened?" Tensei asked.

"Her parents kicked both of them out. They want them gone before they get home." I explained.

"I'll go get their stuff." He ran inside.

Ava hugged my leg. After a few minutes, Tensei came out with 6 bags.

"Y/n, can  you walk so I can help Tensei?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I placed her down. I grabbed 3 bags from Tensei and we walked to my house.

Word count: 942

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