By the way, can I speak Mermish?

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Apparently, the Bloody Baron hadn't maintained his reputation as well as I had thought he had because Gregory, silent Gregory, asked completely baffled: "Is this the Bloody Baron?"


"No dead twin?"


"What in Merlin's name?" Gregory shook his head, his eyes, filled with disbelief and wonder, directed at the silver ghost, who was hovering back to the castle. The wind was transporting the sound of the quiet rustling of his chains to us. "And he's just walked with you? Walked?"

"Yeah, we're nearly the same height, have you noticed?"

"Yes. But he has led you here voluntary?"

I'd probably better not voice that he'd also helped me packing my bag and had given me a copiously briefing. "Yeah, why? Is this so unusual?" Weren't they listening him or didn't he speak to them? Did the Bloody Baron respect me only because I knew his suffering?

"Actually, everybody is afraid of the Bloody Baron, even Peeves. He's something like their bo-"

"Hello pupils!" The half-giant from the train station appeared, heavy wooden box in his arms. "Today we'll take care of the merfolk, they've got their head hurt or something and it is our duty to maintain the biodiversity, so we have to help them!" He rose the boxes and the three students, who were attending this class spare me, were nodding dutifully.

"What's the teacher's name again?", I asked Gregory, who whispered "Hagrid" back.

I felt very sorry for the fact, that we had nearly hurt Hagrid only because he was a half-giant. It was obvious how friendly and animal-loving he was, his hearty personality showed in every of his movements. His wild mane and the untamed, shaggy beard were creating a completely wrong impression; his like black beetles glinting eyes were sparkling with glee and pride, when he opened the boxes and all of his students were taking bags out of nowhere, which they were filling with the things which were inside the boxes. Basically, they were picking the same but the girl from Hufflepuff was for example taking masses of those leaves Neville had had in the train. Everybody of them seemed to put their trust in different remedies and I was watching how they were plundering the boxes.

The half-giant came to stand next to me. "So, you're Jackson, right?" It was still a bit strange for me, that all of them were calling each other with their surnames but I was valueing him chill enough to be okay with calling me by my first name.

"Yes, but I prefer Percy, if this isn't bothering you, professor?"

Hagrid's eyes lit up, he was apparently very happy that I wasn't stiff or mean. "Of course, sure. You can just call me Hagrid, this 'professor' isn't fitting at all for me, nobody is calling me like this anymore.

Why don't you look for bandages and stuff? Have you already worked with magical beasts once?"

"In my old school we've worked with them but by no means as much and intense as it seems to be the case here." 

Hagrid smiled at me before calling his three other scholars to us. "Could you please explain Percy a bit, what is good for what? They've made this a bit different in his old school. In the meanwhile I'll look for a bag for him."

The students were nodding diligently, they seemed to have pretty much fun in this class. "This are Hannah Abbot and Anthony Goldstein, we're the only three who are still taking this class, the others have dropped it because it has been a bit... weird a while ago.

However-" The three of then were quickly explaining me the effect of certain plants and what to mind especially when using them. They were also introducing me briefly to the world of bandages and gave me some bundles of mull. "You can't ever have enough of them", Hannah clarified.

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