Acquainted and unacquainted acquaintances

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The boy was torn bachwards, judging after his surprised expression, he hadn't reckoned that this would happen. Then I got dragged into the compartment. Clarisse and Hazel followed me and one them closed quick-thinking the door.

Arms wrapped itself around me to hug me excessively, including rubbing the face in my pullover.

I only knew one demigod, who was capable of these hugs perfectly and had a dark bob.

Tentatively I pushed the girl away, to look at her once toad-like face. "Pansy?"

She was beaming at me and we yelled once again the name of the other, full of joy because of the reunion. Pansy was a daughter of Eros and had often been baited for her looks because "a daughter of the god of sexual love can't look like a toad!" By now she was an eyecatcher and you could divine the cruel beauty of Eros in her delicate face.

I hadn't expected to meet her ever again, because she had migrated with her mother to Great Britain. Pansy hadn't to fight in the 'earth war' but she hadn't been able to avoid war. She still had to survive the one against the Dark Lord.

"Pansy?", Clarisse asked bewilderedly. Of course she also knew the girl, the two of them had been quite close. "Clarisse!", Pansy cheered full of joy and hugged her, too. Only Hazel was standing a bit offside, after all they didn't know each other.

The blond boy harrumphed to gain our attention. Unfortunately, my span of attention wasn't quite limited. "Gregory!", I yelled.

"Hey, you three." Gregory smiled at us shyly. Hazel smiled back and held out her hand, which Gregory was shaking this time again. The two of them were kinda cute. Like really.

"I can't believe it." A dark-skinned boy was gaping at Greggory. "Goyle has a girlfriend."

Hazel's smile faded, Gregory was shaking his head vehemently. Suddenly, the train started to move and because of this, Clarisse's trunk hit my side painfully and everybody, who was standing, fell over - Hazel unfortunately on Gregory, what ended in two blushing people and a snickering black boy.

Somehow, the blond boy managed to kick me into the abdomen while falling to the ground. Of course, all trunks, which weren't located in the tray, fell on me. Even Hazel's. This kinda felt like malicious deception.

Sighing, I stood up again slowly, in the meanwhile the blond boy had started to stem one of our trunks into the tray. It looked quite dangerous. "Your kick is fierce, compliments to that", I praised him out of usage, I still had this habit from the time when I had trained young campers and hadn't been so strange yet. I followed his example and also pushed one trunk into the tray, Clarisse stowed hers.

"I am sorry, I haven't meant to hurt you. Or to kick you, just by the way." I put it off, and thanked him for stowing the trunk.

The black boy was jiggling with his brows. "Uhhh, I sense the vibes..." The blond rolled his eyes very annoyed.

"Just sit down", Pansy invited us. Thankfully, I let myself fall on one of the seats. But then I noticed, that there was one seat too less and jumped up. "Hazel, sit down!", I demaned and she she did like I had ordered. After a checking gaze to my teammates I sat down on the floor and leant against the door.

"Okay, who are you and why do you know Pansy and Goyle?", the blond asked.

"We are American exchange students. These are Percy and Clarisse, I am Hazel", Hazel introduced us politely. Frank seemed to nod, Hazel had placed his cage on her lap.

"Pansy has been in the same summer camp like Percy and I for some time", Clarisse continued.

"In America?" Blondie rose a brow and exchanged a look with the black. And this was the moment, I noticed it.

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