NLMG Part 2

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Her tears won't stop ... nor did she tried to wipe them away. She wanted to let out all the pain and misery for once and all. But she knew it's not possible. It will take her time. Time to forget her love ... those sweet moments ... all that pain ... that broken trust ... and broken heart.

How did all this happen? They were so happy and in love. Yes they had fights, which married couples don't fight? But she never knew those fights could cause a distance between them. But she tried, didn't she? To mend the gap. She even apologizes when the mistake was not hers ... why? ... because she had loved him so much.

She roams her hand on their wedding picture, "Why Karan? Why you have hurt me?", cried Lavanya. "I loved you so much. Why didn't you trust me? Was our love so weak that someone came and broke our bond? It was our baby Karan. It was your baby ... how could you say such cheap words about our baby? I hate you Karan. I hate you ... I will never forgive you ... Never".

Lavanya lay down on bed and cried into the pillow. She had never thought that someday she will be so hurt. And the reason will be the person whom she had loved a lot. The events of the day runs in her mind.

She wanted to meet Karan; she didn't want this divorce to happen. Her mother and brother was furious with her, knowing her decision. That even after she had suffer so much, lost her baby, she is still thinking of that man. But Lavanya was helpless from her heart. She wanted to try, just for once ... to save her marriage. She still had hope somewhere in her heart that if she talks to Karan or explain him ... maybe he will listen ... and her marriage will be save. Her mother had forbid her to meet or call Karan; she even took her cell phone, so that she couldn't even call him. Lavanya didn't know what she should do, she was feeling suffocating. Why her mother was not understanding her? Even Ratna aunty and Bade Papa were against her meeting or talking with Karan, according to them this divorce is the only solution. After debating much, she went to Arnav ... hoping that he would understand her dilemma.

"Lavanya ... what are you doing here?", asked Arnav surprised as he saw Lavanya standing at his cabin door.

"Can I come in? Or you're busy ... then I will ...", Lavanya was hesitant.

"No ... no ... come on in", said Arnav as he stood up and went around the table as Lavanya came in.

"I ... I want to meet Karan", said Lavanya taking a deep breath and ready herself to be shouted upon, as it had happen with her mother and brother.

But Arnav just stare at her face for few seconds, and then smile a little surprising Lavanya.

"I knew you would want to", said Arnav softly.

"And you're ... you're not angry at me?", asked Lavanya. Arnav shakes his head and then takes her hand in his.

"I am angry ... but not on you. I am angry at Karan, that why he couldn't trust you if he loves you. With love comes trust Lavanya. If you don't trust the person you claim to love, then in reality you don't love that person in the first place.", said Arnav in serious tone. "I knew that you would want to meet him, try to make him understand what the real situation was. And I won't stop you. Because I know that its not easy to go away from the person you love so much".

"Arnav ...", Lavanya had tears in her eyes, happy to know that he understands.

"But in my opinion ... it will be waste of time. He won't change his decision. If he had even love you the half of what you love him. He would have given you a chance to talk to him. In last 2 weeks you have called him, try to talk to him ... but he didn't respond", said Arnav.

"How did you know that I called him?", asked Lavanya being surprised.

"When I was coming to your room for dinner one day I saw you crying with your cell in your hand and I knew what you were doing ... so I left", said Arnav.

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