NLMG Part 5 - B

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After breakfast, Arvind, Arnav and Rahul went to the study ... as Arnav wanted to update them about the meetings. Lavanya and Anjali move upstairs to Anjali's room. Astha and Ratna also went to their room. Khushi was gathering the plates to take them to Kitchen.

"Bhabhi why are you doing this? Hari Prakash will take care of this, you don't need to do this", said Akash.

Khushi pass a smile to him, "Its nothing Akash", and pick up the plates.

"Ok then let me help you", said Akash and pick up the glasses.

"Arey, I will do it na ... you go and get ready for office", said Khushi.

"I am ready Bhabi, just need to put on the coat", said Akash as he pass a smile to Khushi and move towards the kitchen following her.

Payal who was standing all this while, got irritated and angry that Akash didn't even look at her once. She went to her room fuming.

"Thanks", said Khushi looking at Akash. "No problem Bhabhi", Akash replied with a smile.

"Acha tell me what you want to eat in Lunch, I will send that to office", said Khushi.

"Whatever you make Bhabhi, because your food is always delicious", said Akash.

"Acha ji, are you buttering me?", said Khushi putting one hand on hip.

"No No bhabhi I am serious, if you don't believe me then ask Bhai, he will tell you", said Akash giving her a teasing look.

Khushi felt her cheeks warming up with just the mention of Arnav, "ok ok go ... I will see what to make", said Khushi gesturing with her hand for Akash to go.

Akash move from there and went to his room. Payal was sitting on bed and watching TV. Akash went to his study table and pick up the coat from chair, checked his briefcase to see if the files are there and then picked his stuff and went straight out of room, completely ignoring Payal. She got more angry seeing his ignorance. Before whenever Akash went to office, he would usually say bye to her or side hug her. But from past month he is doing neither of things.

After helping in Kitchen and instructing Hari Prakash to prepare things for lunch, Khushi went up to her room. She took out a suit with shirt and matching tie for Arnav and places it on bed, Khushi went to close the cupboard and just turn when she saw Arnav standing just behind her, she gasped a little and move back but her back hit with cupboard.

Arnav smirk seeing this and places both his hands on either side of her, trapping her between his arms, just like last night. The scene from last night flashed in Khushi's mind and she looked down shyly.

"You know I am thinking not to go office today", said Arnav and Khushi look up at him surprise.

"What say?", said Arnav moving more close to her and leaned down and rub his cheek with hers.

Khushi closes her eyes, feeling ticklish due to this stubble and goose bumps appears on her skin. Khushi put her hands on his chest and push him back, "Arnavji ... I think ..", Khushi stop as she move ahead coming close to him.

"yeah ...", said Arnav in low tone as his eyes move down to her lips.

"That ...", said Khushi as she lean in close to his face.

"That", Arnav repeated the word, his eyes getting close as he felt her breath on his face.

"You should ...", said Khushi softly and then next moment push him with force, "go to office".

Arnav was not expecting the push and move back and saw Khushi giggling.

"Khushiii", Arnav whined like a child.

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