NLMG Part 4 - B

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Other day ...

Arnav went upstairs after greeting his mother and saw Khushi standing infront of their room closed door.

"Khushi what are doing here like this", said Arnav.

"Arnavji close your eyes", said Khushi as she came near him and put hand on his eyes.

"Ahan so you planned a surprise for me", said Arnav taking her hand away as he knew what day is today.

"Arnavji ... don't guess just close your eyes na", said Khushi and Arnav close his eyes.

"And no peeking", said Khushi as she opened the door.

"Ok ok ...", said Arnav as he move inside by Khushi guiding him grabbing his arm. She took him to pool side door and step away, "now open you're eyes".

Arnav open his eyes and got astonish seeing the scene infront of him. Few candles were lit around the pool and a table was set for two, few roses on the table with two lit candles ... a trolley beside it, containing few dishes.

"Happy 5th month anniversary", said Khushi with excitement.

Arnav so wanted to hug her and kiss her but he controlled. They move towards and table and had their dinner while chatting. After dinner when Arnav was about to go in washroom to change his clothes he heard music and turn quickly and saw Khushi extending her hand towards him, "Can I have a dance with my husband?".

Arnav felt a little shy at this but move near her taking her hand in one and other wound around her waist. This time he pull her more close and saw Khushi closing her eyes a bit. He waited for her to move away but she didn't and he felt happy that Khushi is now ok with their closeness. They dance for few minutes and then went to bed. Khushi slept while telling him how she planned all this and what ideas had she thought earlier.

Arnav lay there turning to her side, prop up on his elbow looking at her sleeping face. He couldn't tell how happy he was today. No one had done so much of preparation for him before ... and Khushi did all this alone. And more importantly she is comfortable with him now. He brushes away her hair from her cheek. He lean in and place a slight kiss on her cheek. Khushi stir a little but kept sleeping. 

Arnav finally knew what those feelings and sensation he feels with her around. It was love ... he was in love with his wife and he want to take their relationship forward. Not consummate their marriage yet, because he knew that Khushi won't be ready for that at this point, but they can do kisses right? Proper Kisses? But he doesn't want to do it just like that ... he want her to know first that what he feels for her because he doesn't want her to think that he is looking more for physical pleasure. He will confess first and then will kiss her. With that thought he went to sleep.

But it wasn't easy for Arnav to confess, he was a reserved person throughout his life, until Khushi came. With her he can be himself and can enjoy life's moments, he shares his thoughts and feelings with her on different topics ... but this ... this isn't any topic ... this is the most important thing for him. To tell her how much he loves her ... what she meant to him.

One time he bought flowers for her but couldn't bring out the words, he took her to dinner but couldn't say it. He took her to a long drive one evening but couldn't say it. He was feeling nervous, every time he would try to say he will stop, thinking ... what if she doesn't love him yet, what if she said no. But he knew for sure that she cares for him a lot and that day when she hugged him crying ... all this showed that she do love him ... may be she was waiting for him to say it. After debating for few days, he finally made up his mind to confess the next at any cost.

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