Chapter 5: GOD'S RATHE

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Chloe's POV

"I said that's NOT MY NAME" Marinette shouts facing us. Her eyes are green. No no no, this can't be.

"Sh*t"I say.

"What's going on" Damian asks.

"God's rathe" the MPS whispers so that only the people they want to hear, hear.

"What's that" Stephanie asks.

"I'll explain later let's go NOW", I shout running to the Limo with them following closely.

"Can someone please explain what's going on with my daughter!" Ivy shouts.

"So Ivy, nothing bad is going to happen unless those idiots say something stupid"I say.

"So why are we here" Jason asks.

"Because someone has to explain what's happening to melody" Luka calmly says.

"And what's happening exactly" Cass asks.

"Simple God's rathe" Kagami says.

"What does that mean?" Dick asks.

"Ok let's make this simple, Marinette is the guardian of the miraculous and has adapted the powers of different God's. By different God's I mean all of them. She is the most powerful guardian that has ever lived and we should be scared about the lives of the people out there" I say quickly while everyone just stares at me dumbfounded.

"Queenie aren't you forgetting something" Kagami asks.

"Oh yeah, we are all miraculous holders aka the heroes of Paris, now let's get out there before someone dies out there" I say running out the car.

Damian's POV

"Sh*t they is no stopping Bruce from adopting all of them now" dick says.

"Nope they is still the bad past left" Stephanie says running out.

"You ok lil'D" dick asks.

"Yeah let's head out" I say.

To be honest I'm still shocked. She's a superhero. God powers. Bruce will totally adopt her. OMG. We're going to be living under one roof.

Ivy's POV

I ran out of the car right after Chloe. When I get there I see Chloe giving her class a warning glare.

"Don't you glare at us, her putting green contacts on won't change what we think of her" the girl with brown hair, wearing glasses says.

"Glasses I would advise you not to anger my daughter" I say.

"Oh we're still there. The fact that your mom killed herself because she couldn't handle your bad behavior isn't enough for you, you just have to rope one of Gotham's villains into this you manipulative b*tch" she screams.

Wow this girl really wants to die does she. What does she mean by killed themselves. Mari-gold would never drive someone to suicide. I mean she is the one who is changing villains left right and center.

Damian's POV

"-ou manipulative b*tch" was the first thing I heard when I arrived.

"What did you say that's my sister you-" Stephanie says only to be cut off by Mari.

"Do not call my mom a villain" she shouts with a green light surrounding her.

"Oh please your little stunt doesn't scare me and your 'mom'is a villain" the harlot says.

The strange thing is that Marinette just tilts her head slightly to the side and cracks a crazy but hot smile. Vines grow from the ground and rep themselves around her. They a blinding green glow before the vines disappear.

They disappear to reveal Marinette. Tho her outfit has changed. She is now wearing a green dress. It show cases her body perfectly. She has dark green lipstick, black eyeshadow and has deeply green shining eyes.The sight of her makes my face heat up.

"You okay demon spawn" Tim says.

"Yeah you looking a little red there" dick says.

"Yeah. Uh. Wha. Yeah. Wow. Uh" I say making them burst into laughter.

"This is a serious situation you idiots" Chloe shouts making them stop a straighten up at once.

"Sorry" thy mumble.

"Oh please a little costume change doesn't change that you are a weak little sl*t" Ayla shouts.

"Shut up" Marinette says calmly.

"M mm m mmm" she says unable to speak.

"The God's are mad, it's time for revenge" she says making a fire ball and throwing it in the middle of the group. It lends and the ground begins to shake a huge volcano begins to form.

She shots what looks like a lightning bolt to the sky causing dark grey clouds to form with a tint of green in them. The sky begins to rumble.

"Wahahaha" she evil laughs causing a lightning bolt to flash behind her. The class is now in panic with the class trying to run away.

"Oh you aren't going anywhere" she says snapping her fingers causing thick and pointy vines to cover each possible exit.

"Where do I start" she asks" how about you" she says pointing at a blonde girl with pixie hair.

"Mari ple"

"Freeze" she says trapping her in a block of ice. "Next Julika, come stand next to your BFF" she shouts.

"Melody no, you have to calm down" Luka says.

"Come on Mari-him you can do it" Kagami says.

"Yeah Mari please calm down" Chloe pleads.

"Not before I get my revenge" she says snapping her fingers causing the lier to collapse.

"Lila no" Ayla screams "what have you done to her, you monster"

"I'm really tired of you" she says her hands glowing.

"Angel stop" I scream.

"Dami" she asks turning around.

"Come on this isn't you, you have to break free, be you"

"You don't understand Dami, they've hurt me a lot, I'm not in control of what I do, Dami they broke me and the God's are mad" she says starting to call.

"I know angel" I say whipping "I'll help you"

"Why" she says her now blue eyes looking at me.

"Because angel" I say"because"I say looking into her eyes, why is this so hard to say. I see the sparkle in her eyes begin to die down so I do the first thing that came to mind. I kissed her and she kissed back. Her soft lips moving in sink with mine.

The moment was ruined by a certain lier shrilling.

"Marinette how could you" she screamed as we broke apart. The crocodile tears of course had to be in there.

"Can we go home now"I ask.

"Yes of course, you've a lot of explaining to do" Jason says.

"Don't ignore us" Ayla screams stomping towards Marinette and trying once again to slap.

"This girl never learns" I hear one of my sister's whisper underneath her breath as the girl is stopped by Ivy.

"Step away from my daughter" she says with venom lacing her words.

"By mom" Marinette says happily "try not to kill any of them" she says as she is pulled into the car.


Yep another chapter done. I'm sorry I just really love crazy and broken Mari. I love seeing her take down her 'friends'. Not forgetting salt. Like if her classmates we're taunting her on what a weak akuma she'd make then suddenly boom, Mari+world domination. Nobody can control the great and powerful queen Marinette. All hail the queen. Vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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