Chapter 7: Bruce NO!

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Marinette's POV

"Nooo. Why does your soulmate have to be demon spawn" Jason dramatically screams making them all laugh.

"Alfred I'm going to need adoption papers and a wedding planner" Bruce says "do you have a problem with dying your hair black" he asks Chloe.

"Um yes" she says.

"Wedding planner, Bruce unless you planning on getting married to Salina, I don't see the use of a wedding planner" I shout making the boys laugh.

"Umm" he says.

"Bruce no!" We all shout.

"What I haven't said anything" he defends.

"Ok that's it you nuts" Chloe says.

"Haven't said anything for goodness sake you've already adopted all four of us and now your planning on making me and Damian get married and not forgetting the fact that you asked Chloe to die her head black" I scream.

"Which I'm not doing, ridiculous utterly ridiculous" Chloe says making us snicker.

"Fine you'll be the first blonde adopted,at least you have blue eyes to make up for it" he says.

"Bruce no" the Chloe shouts.

"What?" He asks.

"You planning on adopting my babies and I don't approve" Chloe says.

"Papers have already been sent to your parents or guardians" Bruce says.

"That's easy I'm Marinette's guardian" Chloe says.

"Actually your father is my guardian" I say.

"What!?" She screams.

"And you all officially adopted" Bruce says looking up from his phone.

"Bruce NO!" Me and Chloe shout.

"How dare you steal my babies" Chloe shouts.

"How will my mom react. Shoot Bruce you've dug your own grave" I say holding up my hands in surrender.

"We're cool with it" Kagami and Luka say. At this point the whole family is rolling in the floor laughing.

"Oh my God" Cass says clutching her stomach.

"Wow new record Bruce" dick says.

"4 people in one day" Tim says.

"The serial adopter has struck again" Stephanie says.

"Welcome to the family" Barbara says.

"You are now officially my sister" Jason says hugging me.

"I'm still shocked by the fact that everyone here has a secret identity" Damian who was the only one not laughing says making them all stop laughing and me face palm.

"They don't know yet" I say.

"Nice job demon spawn" Jason says.

"Tt I will kill you in your sleep" Damian says.

"What do they mean Mari" Kagami asks.

"Guys meat the bat family, bat family this is the miraculous family, miraculous family this is the bat family" I say.

"Meaning were now the miraculous bats" Tim says making a few of us laugh.

"Looks like it" I say.

"I'm still against that arrangement" Chloe says.

"Relax Queenie you can still be the mama bear of the group" Luka says.

"You mean Mama bee" Kagami says making us laugh once again.

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