Chapter 9: Night terrors

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Marinette's POV

"Actually Grayson the class will not be staying for any longer" Damian says.

"Dami no you can't penalize then all for his mistake" I try to reason.

"Ok what did I miss" Dick asks

"Agreste just physically harassed Mari-gold" he states.

"Oh Damian you just- WAIT WHAT" he shouts.

"I'll explain it to you later right now I've to speak to farther and Alfred" he says walking out.

"Let's head back inside"dick says pulling me back inside "you know you still owe me an explanation" he says opening the door to the living room earning a defeated nod from me.

"Ok that's it I'm killing this b*tch" Cass says lunging at Lila to be pulled back by Chloe.

"No killing" I shout making all of their heads snap at my direction.

"Dang pixie Pop are you sure you not Bruce's biological daughter instead of Damian" Jason asks.

"Tt she's sure" Damian's voice comes from behind me. He puts his hands around my waste pulling me close to him.

"Dami" I shout burying my face in his chest trying to hide my flushed cheeks. He lets out a soft chuckle stunning everyone inside the room.

"*Gasp* is that what I think it is" Chloe shouts pointing at my hickey making us both blush.

"You gotta be kidding me" I heard Jason mumble while Dick gives me a knowing look.

"Ehhhh" my sister's squeal.

"Finally" Stephanie screams.

"Oh please that's obviously fake, like anyone would want to kiss you" Ayla scoffs.

"I can't believe you gave me a hickey" I scolded Damian ignoring Ayla.

"Stop trying to get attention" Kim says.

"Yeah give it up already" Mylene says.

"We all know that Adrien would never love a bully like you" Rose says.

"So stop trying to get his attention already"

"*Sigh* how many times do I have to say that I'm not in love with that spineless, weak, abusive killer" I say making him flinch.

"What are you-" Ayla says.

"Save your comments and leave please" Damian says.

"Damian you didn't" I shout.

"Sorry Angel but due to their unruly behavior they have been kicked out the minor" he says making me face palm.

My adoptive siblings lead everyone out leaving us alone.

"I'm going to sleep" I say feeling a bit tired.

"What about dinner" Damian asks.

"Not today" I yawn heading up the stairs. I get to my room change and go right to bed. Once my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep sleep.

Damian's POV

Marinette went up to her room. I'm worried about her being emotionally unstable.

"Young masters dinner is ready" Alfred says.

"Umm Alfred I'm afraid our guest have left" Tim says scratching the back of his head.

"I knew this would happen master Timothy, don't worry" he says with a small smile before leaving.

"That's never gonna stop being weird" Jason says.

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