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My eyes fluttered open before taking a quick glance at the clock beside my bed, sitting on a tiny table.

6:00 A.M.

Perfect timing. Thank spirits for internal body clocks.

Stretching, I groaned. Although I was thankful I was just on time, a few more minutes of rest sounded like a real good idea to a very tired teenager. But, before I could even lay my head down and close my eyes shut again, the shower in the room right next store was flicked on, presumably by my brother. Another groan escaped my throat as I flung the covers off of me and on to the empty space of my bed.

It only took me about 2 minutes to convince myself to get out of bed, and once I did, I was completely up and feeling ready for the day. I shook out my legs and flailed my arms in circles, hoping to warm up my sore body. Why it was sore, I couldn't tell you.

My first impression of the reflection in the mirror was frightening. The hair on my head was frizzy and out of control, reminding me of a lions mane. Once again, I groaned. At least I had a good amount of time on my hands. After all, we only lived a few minutes down the road from Rep High.


Once I approved the reflection in the mirror, I headed out of my room and off to eat something before we left. The watch sitting on my wrist told me another perfect time.

6:20 A.M.

I internally fist-pumped. As long as my brother, Sokka, wasn't late, I would be early to school this year, keeping my perfect attendance on the first day of school going for my entire academic career, an achievement I took pride in.

I plopped some bread in the toaster and set it for 3 minutes so it would be prepared just how I like it; golden brown with just the right amount of crisp on the edges.

In the meantime, I reached for the fridge and grabbed the tupperware that contained my avocado spread, as well as some orange juice. I whipped up a nice glass of OJ filled to the brim with chunky ice.

I sipped.

Heaven in a glass.

My peaceful bliss, though, was soon interrupted by the stumbling, grunting, and stomping animal that I was unfortunately related to. Sokka appeared, finally, from around the corner, wearing his classic outfit; a plain white tank top and grey Nike shorts accompanied by a gold chain sitting on his neck.

He gave an awkward wave.

"Hey, sis."

I raised an eyebrow. For once, he was early, not just on time.

"Good morning." I replied.

He slugged himself around the counter, knocking my backpack off the chair it sat on.

"Fuck, sorry," he cursed as he bent down to grab the fallen goods, "How do you function this well this early?"

I giggled. "You did it all last year, asshat."

From his bent over position, he looked up at me, glaring. Shrugging and smiling, I turned my back to him, watching the toaster.



6:50 A.M.

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