Medjack? (Minho)

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"She's okay, Alby. Well, not okay, but alive," Clint shrugged as Alby cleared his throat.

"Did Minho tell you what happened?" Alby questioned.

Clint studied your unconscious body as it lay on the single bed that was in the hut, somehow irritated that your blood had gotten all over the sheets. His eyes flickered back up to your shirt which was stained scarlet from a wound on your chest, uneasy and hoping Alby wouldn't ask questions about it.

"Got too close to a Griever, I think. I dunno. But she wasn't stung. Gave her something to numb the pain but she got knocked out cold instead. Too strong, I guess," Clint blankly replied, hoping his less than sufficient answer would be enough.

"Were you planning on telling me why the wound on her chest is still bleeding and not patched up?" Alby shot back, raising an eyebrow at Clint who shifted his feet uneasily and crossed his arms.

Clint sighed as his voice dropped to a whisper after figuring he should just tell Alby his concerns. "Alby, she's a girl and she's got parts men can't touch. You know I can't..just..clean that up."

Alby shook his head and took another look at you.

"Then find someone who will before she bleeds to death," Alby replied with an almost bitter tone with dismay clearly ringing out as he stomped out of the Medjacks' hut without looking back.

"Newt, Minho, Ben, Gally and," Clint began as the four boys stepped into the hut.

"Woah, (Y/N). Is she okay?" Ben asked as soon as he saw you in your bloodied state.

The four boys stood around the bed with Clint on its left side, utterly confused as to why Clint had called them here when there were more important things to do.

"Er, not exactly," Clint replied. "You see, I'm in a bit of a dilemma here."

"Ugh, I didn't even want to be here," Gally groaned.

"Look! I need you to listen because I need your help." Clint raised his voice over Gally's.

"Well, where in the world could your bloody medjacks be? I don't understand why you need us," Newt argued back.

"Look, I'm chickening out, man. Alby's telling me to clean up the wound on her chest but.." Clint's voice trailed off as he turned to you again.

"But?" Minho roughly cut in, wanting to just have Clint finish his explanation so he could finally make up an excuse to leave and get back to the Map Room.

"I can't do it! It's- it's at the p-part where, you know, boys don't have 'em a-and, I don't think I c-could do it. For all the time I've been a shucking medjack all I've been treating are boys and this girl comes up and she's out cold and I have to clean her wound and it's around her boobs and and.." Clint's eyes had widened as he threw the words out of his mouth at the speed of a runner being chased by a Griever. With a loud, exasperated sigh, he shut his eyes and buried his face into his hands.

"I can't do it."

He raised his head again as the four boys he had called stared at him with eyebrows raised in so much confusion that he could almost see question marks floating above their heads.

After a minute of awkward silence, Gally spoke up.

"Welp, I'm out of here." And he was out of there before Clint or any of the other boys could object.

"Newt, Ben, Minho... it's up to you. Please," Clint was desperate to have you cleaned up. Just not by him.

"Bloody heck, Clint!" Newt exclaimed. "You're a shuckin' medjack!"

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