Trapped In The Maze

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Thomas: It was meant to be a harmless dare. An idiotic Glader, making you a bet. You never thought you would actually get stuck in there, the oblivion of the Glade. When you first arrived you were advised never to go in there, unless of course, you were a Runner. You wished you were a Runner, if you were you wouldn't be stuck in this mess. Thank God, Thomas wasn't around to witness the door's closing, no matter how hard you tried to deny your growing feelings for the brunette you couldn't repel them fast enough. The way your heart would constantly skip a beat whenever he glanced at you, his hazel eyes speckled with gold giving you a look of pure innocence, and especially how you would stare after him even though he had made his feelings for Teresa crystal clear. You could distinctly hear sounds of rusty gears moving together, the thumps of footsteps approaching closer to you. You needed to get out of here, you needed Thomas. Your anchor in this whole damnation called the Glade, you needed an escape and if that meant death than so be it. After all, you had nothing to live for, Thomas had rejected your feelings multiple times for that she-devil. From the time you were so close to confessing your feelings to him, she comes prancing over and kisses him. Straight on the lips. You had enough of them after that, turning around and walking into that party, where you ended up here. And all you could blame was Thomas and Teresa, in fact you were happy for the two of them; they deserved each other. "Help! Please, help!" you screamed out, grasping onto that last shard of hope that you had left. As much as you hated to admit it, you needed him. He was your everything, your sun and moon; your last sliver of sanity in this hell hole. Your nose was distinctly filled with the rancid smell of rotting corpses, the dead flesh filling your nose. You couldn't ignore the rush of panic that you felt climb up your throat, the creaking becoming much louder. You knew you couldn't stay much longer, the Griever was getting closer and you would be dead soon. And you ran, biding Thomas a silent farewell as you ran off into the night; your heart thumping for what you thought would be the last time. All you saw were walls, walls, and more walls, needless to say you were starting to really hate the Maze. You weren't really claustrophobic but this was taking the phobia to a whole other level. You didn't know how long you've been running, all you knew was that your legs were just about ready to give up. Your heart kept beating, begging for a break as your breathing became shallow; quick intakes of oxygen the Grievers getting closer. You shivered, the moonlight casting a silver shadow across your face, just enough light for the Griever to see you. Just as it stung you, leaving you in total darkness.

Newt: It was supposed to be a game, no one was actually supposed to get hurt. But you did, and Newt had every reason to blame every single one of the Gladers. The game was to wait until the walls start closing in and stand at least five feet away from the walls and run into the Maze touch the back wall and run out before the walls closed. It just seemed like you weren't quick enough, the doors slamming shut as your last glimmer of hope faded. That's when panic took over and you screamed for him. It was an accident you could swear, your last resort, your savior. Heck, he was your everything, anything you could've ever hoped and dreamed for yet, he crushed you. You thought you could help the blonde, help him want to live again and find his happiness. You were wrong, so very wrong. You should've known that someone who couldn't even help themselves couldn't receive help from someone else. but he was alluring the thing that you couldn't even fathom to understand. He was your light in the darkest days, it was just you couldn't comprehend how someone so strong could be so sad. You felt this spring in your step, a new-found love in your heart, that is until everything started going downhill. Word spread about your supposed crush, it was meant to be a harmless joke, or at least of started out like that. It put a strain on the relationship between you two, that is until Newt said 'no'. He admitted that he didn't like you like that, you were just a friend to him, and that realization crushed you. You wanted him to feel what you felt, the joy and longing that you had suffered for nothing. You sat with your back against the stone wall, watching as the sun set and stars came out. There was no more commotion anymore outside the walls, just silence and you finally accepted your death. By the dawn you would be dead, our blood spilled all over the Grievers metal hands. And the last sound you thought you would hear was the rhythmic sounds of your own heart beating, that is until someone called your name. "[Y/N]?" a strangled gasp called out in the dead of night. As you gasped, it was enough for an answer for him. "I'm coming for you, [Y/N], I promise you." And that was enough to set you off the edge. After all this time, all the suffering you had to face because he rejected you, now he wanted you? That was low, even for his standards. "Shuck off, Newt. Look, I didn't need you before and I'm as sure as heck that I don't need you now," you hissed, your goosebump infested arms crossed over your chest. You did have to admit it was a bit harsh for your standards, especially for someone as sweet as you were to the other Gladers. You were always the rational one, the one who thought with her head and not her heart, yet this time you were taking matters into your own hands. You were tired of taking crap from others, hearing about their sob stories when they didn't even bother to hear your own. And Newt was just another one of those nameless faces in the crowd. And for that you could never forgive him.

Minho: There was an old saying that you remembered from your past, the only sliver of something that you could grasp onto. 'Curiosity killed the cat', you had no idea what that expression meant until today. After Runners get back from the Maze they are required to be debriefed by either Newt or Alby in the Maps room. Every other day you would've obliged to the rules, trailing behind Minho like a lovesick puppy, but today was different. Instead, you ditched your gear like the rest of the Runners and instead of following the crowd you disappeared back into the stone walls. Now thinking back on it, you should have followed Minho, your fellow sarcastic and incredibly hot Runner. He was the first person that you ever laid eyes on here in the Maze and you had to admit, being the only girl surrounded by teenage boys and being an amnesic it did have its perks. But over time you did come to a realization that good looks did have their downfall, including how much of an asshole Minho could really be. Guys were practically on their knees begging for some kind of kiss from you, anything that only a girl could provide for them. There was some unspoken rule with Teresa, everyone had sensed the tension between her and Thomas and as soon as the realization hit them they knew she was off limits. That's why you were always the next best thing. You had no one, at least that they knew of and you were drop-dead gorgeous, what was there not to love? You didn't know when it started, at first you two were at least on speaking terms, laughing and joking about life outside the Glade. His smile being the brightest thing in your day. Until one day he didn't hold that usual spark he had, the one where his eyes would glow with some kind of energetic feeling and he would just brighten your day with one look. No, instead now a days all he wore was a frown, which did not suit him. And there was no more conversations between the two of you, it was over. Your paradise and heaven had perished. You had tried asking him what you did wrong, but the only answer that he could give you was silence. You were beyond peculiar about the ominous Maze, and you were determined to answer the most philosophical question inside the Glade; why were we here? No one seemed to have the answer and the only thing that was close was the Maze. You admired the architecture of the ivory infested stone walls, so contempt that you didn't notice the doors slamming shut until it was too late. You jumped, scrambling to the now closed walls as you pounded on them, screaming. Wondering if this would be your last moments, the last time you would ever see before a Griever got to you. You called out into the darkened sky, screeching for someone to help you. And little did you know, on the other side stood Minho, anguished devoured his face as he climbed over the wall and jumping into the oblivion below.

Gally: You were trying to be noble. You wanted to show all these guys that you weren't just some girl who couldn't pull her own weight in this camp, no, you were better than that. And that's why you ran after Thomas as soon as the doors slammed shut behind you. A few days prior to this incident Gally and you had gotten into a pretty large argument, at first the rest of the Gladers assumed it was just the two of you usually squabbling about something completely irrelevant to the task at hand. But as the argument continued to gain momentum, things were starting to go down hill. Insults and curses were being spewed as fast as you could blink, you were about to end the feud before he shouted last one final thing to you. 'You bloody shank, as if you know anything about hard labor. All you do is pull dainty little weeds from the ground and put them in a pile, that's nothing compared to running this bloody camp. You don't pull your own weight here, love.' That had struck a nerve with you, how could he even think about saying that to you, calling you out as the weakest link. You believed the opposite however, he was the weakest link it wasn't you. He was the one who protested and stirred the speculation and rumors off of himself and started others to pinpoint the exact location where everything would start going downhill. No matter how hard you yanked those weeds, a few hours later it was enough to stifle the flame that was burning in hatred for him. Even with the fire illuminated inside your heart, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of love for the idiotic bufón. And the worst part was you could help it. All was fair in love and war, and baby, was this love and war. So you thought you could prove yourself to him, earn his respect and admiration for saving Thomas' life before you two were stranded inside the desolated maze for good. It was so much easier to come up and execute the plan when she dreamed it up inside her head. In reality it was much harder, including the looming variables of what would happen if you failed. In fact, now that you were thinking about this, you never did calculate what would happen if you did fail. If you and Thomas did end up getting trapped inside the Maze; you were risking everything for a boy here. Just to prove your worth in this hole. And even with that you charged, jumping inside before the doors nearly smashed you to bits and pieces. You landed on your knees, sliding until you laid flat against your stomach, mud and other things caking your clothes. And finally you felt free, no more Gally, no more peer pressure, it was all over. Unknowingly to you, Gally stood at the intersection of the walls, his hands balled into fists. He refused to let you go that easily, he was going to fight for you, even if that meant with his dying breath.

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