Chapter 3

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"My parents were always the ones that got along in front of everyone. But in the house they always fought. And one night I was sleeping and my dad came into my room and woke me up, he said 'hey sweetie' and I replied then he said 'one day you will have your first kiss, and it may be one great day for you, but, you just have to promise that that kiss will be with someone important to you. Some one that you love dearly.' I replied with 'yes Daddy' and then he told me to go back to sleep. Back then I was too young to understand that conversation but within time I slowly go it and the meaning that came with it. The next day when I woke up and I heard my mom crying and went out to see what was going on. I saw that my mom and dad weren't there together like they always used to be, even if they didn't get along. They always fought but they always had breakfast together before my dad went to work. So I asked my mom what was wrong and she told me that she was just tired and she went to her room, and told me to do the same. Later that day I didn't find my dad anywhere so I asked my mom and she just told me that he went on vacation for a little while. A few months passed by and it was Father's Day and he didn't show up to school and before I told everyone that he went on vacation. The teacher told me later that day that she wanted to meet with my mom after school. When it was time to go I told my mom and she went inside to talk with the teacher and told me to stay outside. A Few minutes passed by and I was really bored so I went in to ask my mom if we could leave already but when I took my first step in I saw my mom crying so I went back a little so that they couldn't see me. I heard my mom saying that the night before she woke up alone that her and my dad got into a huge fight and she said something that she didn't mean and that she went to sleep but when she woke up he wasn't there and that all his belongings were missing. She quickly assumed that he had left and went to eat breakfast but then she wasn't hungry anymore. Then she explained that I saw her crying and that she made up the story about my dad going to vacation. In that moment I realized that I had to grow up to help my mom to deal with her problems. I never enjoyed my childhood like I should have. I always thought that by growing up that all my problems will leave and so would my moms as I aged. I grew up and got a job. Then I helped my mom pay the bills and all the other things she needed help with."

I took a deep breath in considering what I was telling them. I guess Nate saw me in pain and he came and sat down next to me and put his arm over me

"A few years later, I was about your age at the time" I said and stopped to give a look at Brandon. " I came home from a harsh day of bulling at school and found my mom yelling at someone in the kitchen. I ran to where she was and a man in a fancy suit was holding a suitcase and and my mom was shoving some papers up his face and yelling at him. I got in between them and pushed my mom alway from him. I asked her what was happening and she told me that my dad was suing us because apparently he made up a story saying that my mom was the one that left him and that she supposedly 'kidnapped' me. We went to trial and the case was closed because there was not enough evidence from both sides proving anything happened. We would of won the case but my mom refused to take me to court, she didn't want me seeing the man that left us behind and that was now suing us. Years went by and he kept suing us for things we never did and in most cases we won and in others he won. The years past and I lost my job because there was too many absences in my record, the majority of those were because I had to show up to court or I had to take care of my mom because she was depressed and drinking or something, since then I stopped working and my mom went to therapy and when she was clean got a job as a banker."

"Why did he give you that talk?" Zen asked

"Well I don't know, I think he was talking about sex or my wedding but I guess he knew I was to young to understand about those types of things, back then I was too young to understand that conversation but within time I slowly go it and the meaning that came with it"

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