Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
It felt as though everything fades when they were together and without Gru, Bob worried he wouldn't feel the calm anymore, he wouldn't know quiet and all the noises from outside their perfection would follow him until he went back to his apartment, alone.

Bob let himself be lost in his sad thoughts while still being held by Gru. He knew his love would hate for him to be sad so he tried to force some positive thoughts.

Letters! He will write letters to his pointy nose every day when he goes to his apartment so he won't be alone.

The light of the train blurred Bob's vision. Gru turned his head and sighed. They embraced each other, sharing one last kiss before his departure.

"You'll write to me Gru?" Bob asked. He needed to hear it one last time to be sure.

"Of course I will Bob. You can count on me for anything. I will return as soon as I can to see our banana baby blossom into a banana man."

They held each other's hands, slowly letting each other go. Gru turned around and walked towards the train. Bob felt his legs shake, his stomach felt numb and he tried not to cry. There was no one there to comfort him as he watched Gru take his last step onto the train. Gru waved at him through the window and Bob just watched as his love's face blurred into the distance, the train becoming smaller and smaller until it was impossible to see.

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