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3:30 pm at the Wayne manor : master bruce wake up it's time . Alright Alfred what's going on, well master Bruce it's seem that robin is missing did you see the news. (This just in CNG NEWS ) at 2:00 am a young boy named by dick Grayson has been missing there is a Note that says to the Batman ?? What does this mean is this a threat for batman to reveal himself or what ?? We will find out more .
Alfred where is my suit , it's in the bat cave master Bruce .
Thank you alfred , it's me (access to the bat computer welcome back Batman ) what the hell is that beep noise I hear ?? there glass on the floor too ?? what the ... Alfred watch out ( BOOMMM) "cough cough "  it's says to the Batman . The same thing I saw on the news wait a minute this is not right I know this somebody I fought before "gasp" it's the riddler  hahaha.

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