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Today is New Years welcome everyone to the Wayne manor make yourself at home and enjoy your New Years here I will be right back .
Alfred I have something to tell you I killed the joker I ended his reign to take over Gotham that's it no more joker
Master Bruce alright but you know there's more villian me in this city remember there's two face , Harley , the riddler is not defeated yet there's king shark there's more villains I mean you defeated them didn't you ?? , yes Alfred I did so I don't have to worry about more I guess it's time for me to retire !! . (GASP) master Bruce are you sure about retiring .
Yes Alfred it's time for me to retire and I build a new Wayne manor and a new bat cave just in case I explode this place up so Alfred get prepared and pick everything up I put a timer !! , alright master well well let me say my goodbyes to this place and master take your painting of your parents , no Alfred imma leave it here I'm sorry . Ok master Bruce it's choice well good tell the guest goodbye and to get out before you blow up the place . No Alfred no yet when it turns to 2023 at 12:00 am then imma tell people to start leaving I don't want no one to die on me Alfred not again especially you !! Well everybody 3 2 1 happy new yearsssss !!!!! 💥💥💥💥🎊🎉 (pop🍾🍾) yayyyy .... alright everyone have a nice day and goodbye thanks for coming here ... Bruce why what's wrong , listen todd get get everyone out something is gonna happen why I'm sorry there's a timer a bomb that's gonna explode this place get out !! , alright Bruce alright everyone get out have a nice New Years and goodnight

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