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Mattia's POV

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Mattia's POV

"hey sexyy" I squeaky voice says coming up beside me rubbing my shoulder I look to my right seeing a blonde in a tight dress with half her ass and boobs hanging out "lets go some where quieter" she whispers in my ear she grabs my hand pulling me to a empty room, pushing me into a couch "you look so sexy in that suit" she says sitting on my lap, kissing my neck my hands roam her body before I quickly pull away thinking about Astra "get off" I say clenching my jaw "what?" she says looking at me confused "get off!" I yell pushing her to the floor I get up walking out the bar to my car before driving home.
I get out the car walking into the house till I get stopped from a sound in the living room I slowly turn to my right to see Astra sitting on the couch with her arms crossed looking me dead in the eyes "heyy princess" I gulp slowly walking towards her "don't hey me Mattia where were you" she asks calmly making me scared "no where" I lie she narrows her eyes  before standing up "don't lie to m-OH MY GOD ARE YOU DRUNK!!" she yells at me her finger in my face "no?" "Mattia where were you!" "I-i Iwentto thebarandgordrunkthensomegirlcameandwemakedoutbyipushedheroffanddrovebackbeforeididsomethingbad"I answer quickly she chuckled shaking her head before running off to our room slamming the door "fuck!" I yell chasing after her  "baby" I say walking into the room "I don't want to here it" she says laying in bed "I'm sorry" I say walking over to her *let's just go to sleep we'll talk about it tomorrow I nod my head giving her a kiss which soon turned into more. I lay down beside sweaty with her asleep on my chest till I get a message that I have a mission till I see

So I heard your hoe had a miscarriage that's to bad bud, you know if I had her to myself I would make sure she stayed pregnant but seems like you couldn't do your job so maybe I'll interfere a bit of you know what I mean😉

I quickly get up and run to my office

On call with Kairi

K:yo what's up

M: Get Astra packed and into a new house

K:what why!?

M:because some one is trying to get her so just do it and give her something to keep her asleep

K:ok but are you sure you don't wanna say bye to her?

M:no just do what I need

K:ok I'll get it done

I hang up and started getting ready for my mission but my mind was set on something else

That was Astra.

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