V. Valhalla

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Wheels rattled and quick footsteps sounded.

There was a soft hooting.

Doors bumped open and shut.

A soft snuff sounded and the low hooting continued as a crate stopped in a room.

The crate was opened and Grace said, "It's okay, little fella. No one's gonna hurt ya."

The creature chittered softly.

Grace reached out her hand and the little chimpanzee took it.

A video camera whirred and the chimp hooted softly.

A stopwatch clicked and a bell dinged.

The chimp worked levers and such while grunting softly.

He finished, looked up, grunted and squeaked.

Grace pressed the stopwatch and it clicked.

The chimp hooted and everyone applauded.

Grace held out her arms and the chimp bounded over, hooting excitedly before hugging Grace. Reginald watched from the back of the room and the two exchanged a nod.

They watched as a chimp was launched into space.

"This is Mercury control," a man said. "The Mercury spacecraft umbilical is out. Nine, eight, seven, six... five, four, three, two, one. Ignition..." Pogo shrieked and hooted softly. "Cabin pressure holding, 5.5." Pogo continued hooting softly. "Everything is a-okay in the cockpit." A bell dinged and Pogo hooted. The console beeped. "He's going to hand-control movement now." An alarm beeped and controllers clicked. A thunderous boom sounded, as did a warning bell. Pogo chittered nervously and shrieked before falling silent.

"Do you have any word from the recovery troops?" a man asked while Grace turned to Reginald.

Pogo was brought into the medical wing on a gurney. He was severely burnt. Grace put on a stethoscope and checked his vitals. She started CPR on Pogo. Reginald entered, holding a syringe of a red liquid and Grace nodded, stepping back. Reginald inserted the serum into Pogo and he opened his eyes and looked around. Grace gasped and hugged Reginald.


Reginald read in Ancient Greek. He began reading in English. ""Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end...""

"Reggie, he's sleepin'," Grace told him.

Pogo squeaked softly.

Reginald stood. "Then I suppose Homer will have to wait."


"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Dad's avoiding us," Five said.

Lila sighed. "Hate to be the boring one, guys, but, uh, it's time we get the hell out of here." She started walking away.

Five followed, his hands behind his back. "When you say "we," who exactly are you referring to?"

"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence."

"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste."

"She's right, Five," Diego told him. "We gotta get outta here."

"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit," Lila said. "If I hadn't stepped in, all that would be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks and a plaid shirt and bloody shoes."

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