North Italy X Reader: Europe's Skies

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Ahh.. Venice, Italy (MY OC OMG HI)!
It was so nice this time of year and you couldn't WAIT to explore! As you checked your map in the middle of St. Marccos square, you heard voices from behind you.

"Idiotta, she might be working for the potato bastard... I'm not taking any chances!"

"Vee~, but Fratello! She's bella!"

Your cheeks flushed. You knew some words in Italian, and were glad someone thought you were beautiful...

At least, you hoped they were talking about you...

Just then, you felt a hand tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see a brown chestnut haired, brown eyed young man with a gravity defying uniform wearing a white t-shirt, skinny jean Capri's and some black sneakers.

He gave you a smile.

"Ciao, bella! My name is Italy!" He said. So he WAS talking about you!

"Ciao, I'm _____." You reply with a small smile. Wait... Italy was where you were... how can his name be...?

"______... Such a bella name! I like it!" He beamed. You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was.

"Your accent... you're not from here, are you _____?" Italy asked.

You nodded. "I'm from _______, actually..." you replied.

His smile widened. "Vee~ I like it there!" He replied. "Is this your first time here?" He asked.

You nodded.

"You look like you could use a guide... I can help!" He said.

You giggled again.

"Thanks. I'd like that." You reply a the two of you head off.

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