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"How can you be so reckless and how can you be such an idiot? Every time you do something like this, i think you can not do anything stupider! And then every single time you manage to completely outdo yourself!" Jude says as she storms in the throne room. Cardan is used to her offending him like this, but usually she doesn't act like that in front of other people. She must be really mad at him.
"Leave us" he hays, while waves a hand to the people in the court. He stares at her silently while everyone gets out.

"And to what exactly are you referring to, Jude?" The way he said her name. Slowly, mockingly. She hated it.
"Oh really, so you don't know?"
"Considering i do at least ten things a day that could get that reaction out of you, i am going to need you to be a little more specific"

"You burnt down my room. One of the guards told me what happened. You and you little friends got completely drunk as usual, then you decided that you wanted to see me. And then YOU BURNT DOWN MY ROOM!" She looks upset, and he doesn't like to see it. Why doesn't he like to see it?
"Well, technically, the candles burnt down your room. I just dropped them"

She was feeling completely outraged. She never, in her entire life, had ever felt this much need to hit someone. She went closer to him and pointed a finger at his beautifully stupid face. "Well, your infernal highness, you should know that you didn't only burn my things, you also burnt all the important papers and letters concerning YOUR kingdom that were there"

She was close to him now. Too close. He couldn't really pay attention to what she was telling. She was wearing human clothes. A short black dress, tight at her chest and waist and loose at her hips. It was strange, but accentuated the curves of her body. Faeries in general tend to be very slim, and he used to hate how human her body was, and how she managed to be so confident in it, walking around in her tight dresses. But at some point, he doesn't know exactly when, he started to -against his will- find her pretty. To find her body attractive. He lost track of what she was saying. Something about how much work would it be to do something and something and a lot of things. He was looking at her waist, the shape of her hips. He wanted to much to run his hands on them, to touch her body. So, without thinking, he extended his hand towards her. He wanted to feel her, to touch her skin. Feel the texture of it.

"What are you doing?" She said while grabbed his hand.
"Hm?" He said, looking dizzy. Looking like he hasn't been paying attention to anything she was saying. God, she hates him. He burnt down her room and didn't even care to apologize, the least he could do is listen to her complain about it. He was looking distracted, looking at her body. Then she realized how close they were, how close she had gotten to him. Her leg was touching his knee, she was grabbing his hand. He was looking up at her, and seemed to realize that she had realized what she had realized. And then he threw one of his lazy arrogant smiles up at her. God, she wanted so much to slap his face and take that smile off of it. So without thinking, she did. She slapped him.
"Why, exactly did you do that for?" He looked amused. He was not supposed to be looking amused. She wanted to slap him again. At least she imagined so. She knew that she wanted to do something to him, something to her body other than just standing there thinking about hitting him, of doing something to him, even if she didn't knew what. She let go of his hand and shoved him into the throne, so his back was against it, and he wasn't leaning forward, towards her as he was before. Put some distance between them. Sounded like a good idea. She should turn and leave, but she couldn't, and just stayed there, looking at him. How could he have that effect on her? How could she let him?
"Do you want to kiss me, Jude?"
"No". She said, like the liar she was.
"Are you sure?" He purred. She hated him, completely hated him. Before she could do anything, he pulled her towards him, putting his hands on her hips and his tail around her leg, in a way that she ended up sitting on top of him, her legs open, one on each side of his hips. He pulled her head towards his, until their faces were almost touching.
"Are you  really  sure?" She wouldn't. Wouldn't kiss him, give him the satisfaction of knowing how easily he could seduce her. He run a hand to her side, while the other was tracing the shape of her ear. He looked so pleased that it made her mad at him. But she also didn't want to leave. The last thing she wanted was to get up and leave. And she probably didn't have the willpower to do it anyway.
He licked her lips. One slow movement, he ran his tongue from her lower lip to her upper lip. And then placed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. And when her lips opened in a soft moan, he bit her lower lip, pulling it slightly, while moving his hip. She could feel him hard against her. And then, that easily, she completely lost it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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