I sat next to Jade holding her hand. She was yet to wake up from the anesthetic.
The doctor said that she was stable and was going to be okay.
I tried to stay positive but all I could think about was my girlfriend lying unconcious on a hospital bed.
The boys had gone out to get breakfast so i was all by myself(anyone think of that song? Anyway continuing)
Jade was murmuring in her sleep and kept tossong and turning.
I was sitting next to Jade's hospital bed when Beau came in with some Nando's.
"Hey, you should go home for a while. You need to shower," Beau said holding his nose.
"Gee, that deinately cheers me up. Thanks mate. Beau groaned.
But he still exited the room with the unaturally white walls for the outside world. (it's late and I'm tired. Don't judge.)
Beau hopped in his car to go back to his apartment to shower.
When he got home he walked up to his bathroom and took a shower (I feel like k've said that too many times).
When he was dryinb his hair he decided to pack a bag to take to the hopital.
He threw in his clothes electronical (is that a word?) Device chargers and random other 'important' things.
When he pulled out the last of his clothes into his bag, he walked to the car and drove back to the hospital.
Beau's POV:
Once Jai had left the hospital i sat down next to Jade's bed.
She started squirming in her bed. I called a nurse and she came in to the room 5 minutes later.
She called a doctor in and they started doing tests so i had to leave the room.
I was sitting outside her room when Jai came through the waiting room doors.
He ran into Jade's room yelling at the doctors to tell him what's happening.
Jai's POV:
I walked into the hospital and saw doctors coming in and out of Jade's room.
I ran into her room asking what happened.
They told me that she was waking up but she was stressed so there could be problems.
I walke out to let the doctors do their thing so that she could be in the best position.
~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~
(Still Jai's POV)I was sitting next to Jade's room after the doctors had finished all the tests when jade started to open her eyes.
Hello humans,
I'm really sorry that i haven't updated in like two weeks.
I will get better i promise.
So wherever it is on the page you are reading the photo is what Jade looks like.
So comment and vote if you liked this chapter and i will try and update within the week.
Abbey <3 (that's me. I dont know if i've ever mentioned that before??)

The Years After (on hold)
De TodoJade Hunter's father has passed away from cancer and the wounds still haven't healed. Will Jai be able to help her get through it? Or will his friends get in between their relationship? Will the years after help heal the wounds of her fathers passin...