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Mokotos pov

"roommates!" we all yelled in unison.

"yes! Geez do you guys have cotton in your ears? The alternate kids showing up kidda caught me off guard so I gonna need you each to share a room with someone"

"I still don't believe this idiotic story about alternate worlds" byakuya scoffed.

"no one asked you mister moneybags" kokichi sneered. Byakuya glared at him angrily. Did kokichi manage to tick him off?

"Alright well the people who will be sharing a room together is..."

"Keade and sakaya"

"shuichi and mokoto"

"rantaro and taka"

"ryoma and Leon"

"kiruma and celese"

"aoi and tenko"

"angie and junko"

"hiro and korekiyo"

"toko and miu"

"gonta and hifumi" (I'm so sorry gonta)

"kaito and mondo"

"kyoko and himiko"

"maki and sakura"

"and finally kokichi and chihiro"

Wait a minute, chihiro and kokichi? But aren't they both the opposite sex? Why would they be sharing a room?

"hold on you degenerate! How dare you put that sweet little girl in the same room as that filthy boy" tenko yelled accusingly

"agreed the thought of a boy and a girl sleeping together is unwholesome!" taka said loudly

"thanks for agreeing with me! Maybe your not such a degenerate after all." tenko seid giving him a thumbs up.

"thanks for the compliment!" taka said grinning. Wait a minute are those two getting along?

"look its not my fault" monokuma said  clearly annoyed by someone questioning him "there's more girls than boys here and I can't have poor kokichi sleep in the hallway now can I?"

"I guess not" taka said quietly

"you better not do anything to her rat boy" tenko said glaring at kokichi.

I looked over at monokuma who was grinning sadisticly. He's planning something.

"nehehe man it really sucks to be you toots" kokichi said suddenly

"why would you say that?" chihiro asked confused

"Well your stuck with me as a roommate that's why"

"don't say that! I'm sure you'll make a great roommate! I'm actually glad you're my roommate ok!"

Kokichi looked shocked by her words but he was quick to recover with a shit eating grin "aww cheerios far too

"Ok everyone I think we should return to our rooms now, it is getting late." celest said pointing at the clock. It read 9.59pm in a minutes the momokuma announcement would play. Damn does she always have to be so precise!

"she's right everyone let us retire to our rooms" taka said dragging rantaro to the dorms. Everyone else soon followed suit.

"well shuichi shall we get going?" I asked the young detective. He nodded and we both made our way towards the dormitories. Before any of us could leave thou Momokuma popped up.

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