Suna Battle

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Mokotos pov

I walked to the dining room, hoping to get a snack before bedtime when I saw taka and mondo arguing and kokichi sitting on table looking very annoyed. I was too scared to ask the arguing males about it so I asked kokichi instead. He sighed.

"taka started yelling at mondo telling him he's nothing but a cowered who uses violence instead of words and then mondo got suuuper offended and now they've been fighting for the past ten minutes"

"Well I'm sorry kokichi but this ruffian is a bad influence on you and as your senior I can't just stand by and watch" taka said glaring at mondo.

"I haven't even done anything" mondo protested.

"not yet but you will! I know your kind."

"oh shut your face hall monitor that kid needs me."

"what he and all the other younger students need is a good role model and you my friend are not that!"

They continued barking at each other. Honestly they sounded like a bickering couple fighting over what's best for their kid. No wonder kokichi looked so annoyed.

"hey kokichi what do you say we just leave them to it?" I said.  Kokichi gave me a relived look and nodded but before we could escape takas booming voice rang through the dining hall

"not so fast mokoto! You are to serve as a judge in our little Showdown."

"what! Your going to fight each other!?" I said nervously. The last thing I need is for these guys to accidentally kill each other.

"no no I would never snoop to this ruffians level" taka said earning him a glare from mondo. "we're going to have an enderice contest in the sauna now come!"

Taka and mondo practically dragged me to the sauna while kokichi followed behind groaning. Once we got there taka striped into a towel and mondo kept his clothes on. They got in and stayed for I kid you not TWO HOURS! They wouldn't even come out when the night time annocement played. I turned to kokichi who was sitting on a table kicking his legs. It was crazy how childlike this teenage boy was.

"well kokichi should we leave them to it" I asked.

"you go on I have to make sure these idiots don't do something stupid." kokichi replied.

"Ok just don't push yourself. "

"ok sempai."

I left the sauna hoping those two wouldn't be cooked alive in there.

Mondo pov (time for some ishimondo fluff🥰)

I had been in the sauna for two goddamn hours and was starting to sweat my balls off but there's no way I'm losing to that prick.

"why don't you just give up mondo you already lost"

"shut up hall monitor you think I'm going to throw in the towel after the way you judged me! You genius types always think you know everything."

"don't you dare call me a genius!" taka yelled standing up and glaring at me. What the hell! Why's he so upset? I'd be happy if anyone called me a genius.

"tch someone doesn't know how to take a compliment" I muttered

"ha a compliment! You think calling me a genius is a compliment!" tears were brimming in his eyes now. What the hell is this guy so upset about! "geniuses are nothing but arrogant basturds who never think about anyone but themselves... like my grandfather"

He slowly sat down, gripping his knees. "he was a genius, his natural talent helped him become president of Japan" holy shit this kids gramps is the president of Japan! "but he cared little for his people and became corrupt leaving his country in chaos." he let out a shakily break. "that's why I hate geniuses! The genius of my grandfather ruined my family's reputation but I intend to rebuild it not by being a genius but with hard work and determination!"

Wow I have some new found respect for the kid. "so you do this for the sake of your family. I can relate after all the reson I even lead a biker gang is so I can keep the promise I made to my brother."

"your brother?"

"yeah he died in a accident" yeah some accident! it's all my fault.

"mondo I misjudged you I'm sorry" taka said bowing.

"it's fine I misjudged you too so what do you say we be friends."

"Friends.. I would like that!" taka said as he flashed me the cutest smile I've ever seen. I think I'm starting to like this hall monitor.

Takas pov

The two of us left the sauna to find kokichi fast asleep with his knees to his chest. He must have feel asleep waiting for us what a good kid. I walked up to wake him but was stopped by mondo.

"mondo I have to wake the boy he can't sleep here" I whisper-yelled. Without a word mondo scooped the boy up in his arms and carried him back to the room. Wow. I had no idea mondo could be so gentle.

My room was close to mondo so I walked with him.



"If you didn't have to be a biker gang leader what would you be?"

"Well I would be a carpenter and own a dog named chuck."

"chuck!" I started giggling.

"shut up chuck a cool name!" mondo said hiding a smile. Kokichi sturred slightly.

"shit I guess we're being too loud" mondo whispered

"that fine my room here anyway" I said turning to my dormitory door.

"hey taka" mondo said looking bashful?

"yeah mondo?"

"do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"of course!"

"great! I got to get this kiddo to bed now. See you tomorrow bro!"

"Ok see ya bro" and with that he walked off with kokichi nuzzled in his arms.

I think I just made a new friend.

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