♡Kitten♡ - Mello X Near

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Near's POV:
    I am sitting in my usual corner, playing with my usual toys. There has been nothing interesting happening these past few days. I have been extremely bored. I had finished most of my puzzles about two days ago and I don't want to re-do them because there will be no challenge. I look out the window. Not that I even want to, but I can't go outside, it's pouring down with rain. 'Guess I have nothing better to do than carry on playing.' I think to myself as I look back down to the train that was circling around me.

   About an hour has past, nothing has changed, that was until the door burst open. I don't even need to look to see who it was. Mello and Matt came into the room, ignoring me, like always, as they both sit on one the sofas on the far side of the room. Matt to engulfed in his game on his DS to even answer Mello as he goes on about something. I draw my attention back to my train that was still doing around me. I pick up some the figures I have laying next to me and just start playing with them as well as the train.

Mello's POV:
The sheep was in the corner, playing, like a five year old child would do, as Matt just ignored me! I mean, talk about rude. I sigh, visibly frustrated, this got one-ones attention. I take a bite of my chocolate I had pulled out of my leaver pocket about five minutes ago and take Matt's DS. "Hey! You're gonna make me lose!" He yells as he reaches for the device. I give him an evil stare, running over to the window and opening the window then hang his DS outside, making sure it doesn't get rain damaged though. I laugh at how mad Matt looks, he jumps at me, missing of course. He tries to get it off of me, again, failing. "Mello, just give it back!" He says throwing his head back, I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "No, I don't think I will." I say. I look over to Near and see that he isn't even paying attention to us. I don't know why but that made me mad. I pull the DS back into the room, not bothering to close the window as I run to Near, Matt following me trying to get the DS, which, I toss to Near. It landed in front of him. "Don't let him get it!" I yell to the albino who just looks at me, blankly. Matt reaches and gets his DS back as he turns to me in victory. "I win." He says sitting back down and goes back to playing. I walk over to Near. "Way to spoil the fun Near." I say, stubbornly. "I did not understand the game, Matt did not look like he was having fun therefore it is just a 'game' to you." He said, not looking at me but looking at his toys. I kick the little train track, that got the boy to look at me. "You still spoilt it!" I yell as I look down at Near who's face showed no emotion what so ever. "For you." He answered. I just walk away at this point, the kid was impossible! He always had to win. Yet again, I'm not that much different. I mean, we all hate loosing. BUT STILL!
   I sit back down with Matt and start to eat my chocolate. It was then I could see that the albino boy had gotten up and walked to the window that I was just at with Matt's DS. "What are doing Near?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Closing the window? It's raining outside, we don't want a window open. It will make the floor wet and the room would also be cold." He says as he reaches up to close the window, just as put his hands on the top a little white kitten jumps into the room, making Near stumble a bit, I laugh at the fact the boy went to fall. Near and I both look at the cat, it was really cute. It is all white and has grey eyes. Kinda reminds me of Near... I smile at the thought. The cat them meows at the small boy, the meow getting Matt's attention now. He put down his DS. "Did I just hear a cat?" He asks sounding shocked. "Yes. It came in here as I was closing the window." Near reply's simply as the cat rubs its head against his leg. "Well, it seems to like you Near." Matt says smiling, looking at the cat. Near just kneels down and strokes the cat. 'This is so cute... WAIT! What? I do not like Near that way. No way... I-I was thinking about the cat! Yes! That's it!' I think. Matt must have noticed the 'blush' I had on my face as he smirks at me. He grabs my arm and pulls me to the furthest side of the room so Near wouldn't hear. "You like him." He states with a smirk. "Don't be ridiculous!" I say, trying my best to hide it. Matt laughed at my horrible attempt in doing so. I punch his shoulder and turn around to the most adorable thing ever.

Near was holding the cat like a baby as it purrs. The corner of the boys lips twitches as a slight smile appears on his face and let me tell you, his smile was the cutest thing ever. I will admit it now... maybe I do have a thing for the albino.

Matts POV (sorry for the POV changes-):
I KNEW IT!!! Mello likes Near. Now, I have to think of plan to get them together. I don't think Mello would be the one to admit it and I can't tell if Near has ever even thought of Mello that way. So, my conclusion on this case is....
It's going to be extremely difficult.

Wait! I have a plan.

I walk over to Near and the cat he is holding. "Ya know Near... the cat isn't the only cute thing in this room~" I say, as flirty as I could. Although I couldn't see him, because I had my back to where he was sitting, I could feel Mello's eyes on me. Near just looked at me, confused. I smile at him as I take the cat from his arms and put it down. I start to play with his hair, he was uncomfortable, I could tell, although he didn't show it in his face I could tell by his posture, he was fiddling with his hands, a lot. I'm not going to lie I wasn't comfortable with what I was doing ether. But, I have to do what I have to do. "Don't worry, this is just a test." I whisper in his ear, making sure Mello didn't hear what I said. Near just nodded slightly, still seeming to be uncomfortable.

Mello's POV (last one! I swear!):
What. The. Hell. Was. He. Doing!?

   Matt could tell Near was uncomfortable yet he continued! Matt never even showed interest in Near! Now this! I felt myself growl slightly. Wait. Why do I even care anyways. Near and I are enemies. But, yet again. I think I may like him. Ugh! I don't know. I take a bite of my chocolate and look at the two again. Matt was holding him by his waist, whispering things in the sheep's ear. That m is the last straw for me. I get up and punch Matt, not too hard though, he's still my friend after all. I stand, protectively, in front of Near. Matt starts to laugh, it was then I realised what he was doing. "I knew it!" He yells as he laughs. I flush slightly. "You do have a thing for Near!" He beams. Near looks up at me from behind. "What?" He says, his voice showing no emotion but his eyes showing one, hope. I let out a sigh. "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Probably not though." I say as look the shorter boy right in the eyes. He breaks eye contact with me and walks over to the cat that found its way to the chairs. I look at Matt who now standing in front of me. "Way to blow it Mell." He says shaking his head. "Whatever Matt." I roll my eyes and look to the albino. He was stroking the cat. His eyes were back to being blank, all traces of that hope that was formerly there had vanished. I felt bad. I look to Matt who seemed to read my mind because he pulled me over to Near and the kitten. Near didn't even look away from the cat as he spoke. "Yes?" "Mello has something to say." Matt says, before I could reject Matt had pushed me so I was now standing in front of Near, who was still not looking at me. "Near..." I put my fingers under his chin and make him look at me. He just bummed in response. I just smash my lips onto his. I could tell he was taken aback, but he soon kissed back anyway. I've solved my case. I do love this kid. We pull away after hearing a cat whistle from Matt. I growl at him as Near giggles, wait. He giggled! God, that sound was so cute... and rare for him to. "I'd hate to burst your bubble guys, but the cat has to go... it can't stay here and the rain has cleared. So now would be the best time to let it go." Matt says as he looks out the window. Near nodded. I went to pick up the kitten but it just hissed at me. "He doesn't like you then." Matt said, trying not to laugh by the sound of it. Mello gave him a death glance as Near picks the cat up with ease. Near then walks over to the window as Matt opens it, Near sets the cat down on the windowsill outside of the room and then closes the window. The cat soon runs away to what I hope to be safety. I walk over to Near and hug him from behind. Before saying.

"I love you

The End!
Let me know what you thought of the first one-shot!
Sorry it's kinda short.
Words read: 1,755

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