♡Burned♡ - Mello X Near

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Near's POV:
I'm in the kitchen of my little dorm thing. It's about lunch time and I was hungry so I did the only logical thing and I'm now making food. I guess I should ask my dorm mates if they want anything... I sigh as I stir the food, I put the pan on the oven before turning it down to the lowest setting giving it a less-likely chance to burn. I then leave to go and see if Matt and Mello where anywhere in the dorm. I run over to Matts room and soon hear Mello yelling. I quickly knock on the door. It goes quiet as Matt answers the door. "Hey Near." He says scratching the back of his neck. "Hello Matt, hello Mello. It's lunch time. Would you like any food? I'll cook it." I say blankly. Mello storms out of Matts room. "I was going to make a hot chocolate anyways." He says as he grabs my arm and pulls me, quite aggressively, I wince slightly.
We arrive at the kitchen and go back to what I am making, luckily I wasn't at Matts room for long so it didn't burn or anything, I turn it back up to the level it was on before I left and proceeded to stir the food. "Mello, what about Matt? What if he is hungry?" I say as I look over to see him getting the stuff he needs to make his drink. "He'll be fine." He says as he then walks over to me, places a pan next to mine as he adds milk and turns his part of the oven up. "If you say so..." I mumble. I am to busy watching him when I should be watching my hand placement. I put my hand on the hot oven. I let out a slight yelp as my hand burned like crazy, Mello looked over to me, concerned. I rush over to the taps and turn on the cold one as I run my hand under it. I could feel tears start to prick in my eyes. But I can't cry and I especially can't cry in front of Mello, so I hold them back. Mello walks next to me. "Are you ok?" He says trying to catch a glimpse of my face, however I will I try let him because the tears are still in my eyes. "Near? Near. Look at me." He says sounding... somewhat worried. My mind must have been playing sick jokes on me. This is Mello the guy that has hated me for goodness knows how long! I refuse to look at him. He lets out a sigh and goes back to making his drink.
My hand still hurt badly but I had to keep making my food. I close the tap off as the air hits my hand making me whimper to myself. I walk back over to the oven, head down so Mello doesn't see, I had to let a few tears slip out of my eyes because the pain was to much, but, I still stir my food. Mello looks at me then at my hand. "Your hand is still red. You should carry on running it under the water you know." He says. "I have to make m-my food." My eyes widen. Did I just stutter?! No no no no no... this can't be happening. He's going to think I'm weak. I try to play it off but Mello wasn't having that by the looks. "Near, are you ok?" He asks trying to get me to look at him. I just nod. He grabs me by the shoulders and made me look at him. He can see that I'm crying...


Mello's POV:
He's crying, the kid who has basically never shown an emotion to me, or, anyone for that matter is crying. 'It must have hurt pretty bad if he's crying over it.' I think to myself. He soon pushes me off him, turning his back to me and going back to his food. "Near... go run you hand under the water again. I'll take care of your food for you..." I say softly.


Why do I even care!? I could use this to my advantage... but, yet again, that would be a bit to far, even for me and my heart always skips a beat when I hear his name... or 'name'... and I can't lie to myself. He is very cute in his own weird little way.


It dawned on me.
I love Near.

Surprisingly, I'm not mad, not one bit. I am more relived that I can admit it to myself than anything.

I was brought out of my thoughts by none other than the person that had drawn me into my thoughts. "That's ok. I am perfectly capable of making it. It's done now anyways." Near says grabbing a bowl from one of the cabinets under the sink. I sigh as I go back to making myself a hot chocolate.
   I have finished my drink and Near has finished his food, he was doing the dishes as I searched in every single cupboard AND the fridge trying to find some chocolate. "Ughh we've run out!" I yell as I finally give up in trying to find some. Near put the last dish in the draining bored. "Just go to the shop and get more. Matt would go with you." He says as he dries his hands on the towel by the sink. "Why don't you come? I'm not friends with Matt right now, even more so finding out we have no chocolate in this place! I mean come on! He stole my last peace and now I'm out!" I yell, that memory making me even more mad at the google boy. Near just looks at me blankly. I sigh. "What I'm trying to say is will you come?" I ask sounding as nice as I could to try and convince him. He start to fiddle with his hair as he thinks. "I haven't gone to the shops in a while. How will we get there?" He asks. "On my motorbike or we could walk."

(¡Disclaimer! - I'm not 100% sure if Mello has his motorbike when they at Wammy's. I forgot details like this easily and I'm still not sure, let's just say he does)

Near looks thoughtful. "If they take the vehicle, do you have extra helmet?" "I'm pretty sure I do, if not we'll walk." I say as I leave the kitchen to go try and find a spare helmet. I walk into my room and go straight to the wardrobe. I open it up and start to rummage through my stuff. I eventually find one and run back down into the kitchen to talk to Near, but, he isn't here. Where could he have gone, probably not far. I start to walk around trying to find the albino. I walk back up the stairs to his room, if he is in here though I have no idea how I missed him coming up the stairs. I knock on the door and soon hear rustling from the other side of the door. Near opens the door. "Why'd you leave the kitchen?" I say as I look at him to try and see what he was doing. "I wanted to wrap my arm up, it still hurts and I don't want it to get even more hurt when we go out." He explains, his voice was shaky, it sounds like he's been crying, again. I choose to ignore it because it obviously seems like he didn't want me knowing given the fact that he hid, but, he wasn't lying. His arm was wrapped up. "Ok. Let's go then." I say as I put the helmet on his head, it was a bit big on him so it soon feel down his face. I laugh, Near just looks at me and rolls his eyes. We walk outside and I got on my motorbike, putting the helmet on. I look over to Near who hasn't even made the slightest effort to make his way over here. I motion for him to come over to me. He abides and walks over to me. "Get on the back." I say pointing behind me. He gets on, slowly and wraps his arms around me. I tense up at the sudden contact but soon get myself together. 'Weird' I think. I could Near is nervous by the way he is acting, his grip on tightened on me as I start up my motorbike. I smile to myself and start to drive off.
   We get to the shop, nothing interesting happened on our way to the shop, the only thing that changed was the fact that Near ended up resting his head on me as we were riding. Anyways, we go into the shop as I grab Near by his arm. "Ow! Mello, the burn." He says as he winces. I quickly let go. "I'm sorry!" I say as I look at his arm, his face actually showing pain. 'Why do I feel so bad...' I think. He looks at me as his face goes blank again. "It's ok." He says. I then grab his other hand and drag him the the first aid part of the shop. He looks at me, I guess he is confused although he isn't showing it. "Did you really think I would run out of chocolate? I'm getting stuff to sort out your arm." I say as look at the stuff they had. "I must say, I was quite sceptical. But, well played Mello." He states looking away from me. I smile. "You know it doesn't hurt that bad to the extent where you need to look after me for it. I'll be fine. I don't want you to do this for me." He continues. "Too bad you don't have a say in this isn't it." I pick up one of the many random things that they have for burns there and drag Near to the counter. I scan it and place it onto the waying (can't spell-) thing. I then pay for it as I drag Near out of the shop.

Nears POV:
I'm confused to say the least. Why did he just buy that for me and why did I have to come? Mello is very confusing to me. I look at him. "Don't worry, just come." Is all he says to me. I sigh and give in and follow the blonde. We get back on the motorbike and went home.

  When we got back Mello dragged me to his room and pulled the the first aid stuff out of a bag. He told me to sit on this bed, which, I did. Mello then walked over to me and sprayed my arm, It stung, I think Mello could tell because he gave me a sympathetic look as he started to wrap a banged from the kit around my arm. I look at my arm when Mello was done and just let out a sign. How could I let this happen? Why did Mello out of everyone want to help me?
I look back over to the blonde as I hope off his bed. "Thank you." I mumble as I walk to the door, but, I was stopped.
Mello grabbed my good arm and pulled me into him. I was about to say something but was cut off by his lips. I blush as I realise;

Mello is kissing me

I'm too shocked to do anything,
I can't move,
I can't speak,
I can't even kiss back,
Im just frozen.

Mello pulls away and laughs at my face before whispering in my ear

"Guess you're not all that emotionless after all."

Sorry this took so long and it's probably got some mistakes in there, oh well :)
I'll edit it later!
Thank you for over 70 reads!!!!!! I love you all!
2,010 words read

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