Intricacies of Man

361 22 2

Chapter warnings: Mild language

Word count: 1371


Hendery. She didn't want to see him, and he sure as hell didn't want to see her. She was unsure as to whether he would even respond to her, but she owed it to Kun to at least try. She had no intention of helping him escape. If anything, she wanted to find a way to pin all of their crimes on him. God knew he deserved it. Walking towards the back of the room, she noted his figure in the last cell on the left. She didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed to see him alone, leaning over with a stern look on his face.

He looked pale and tense, chest just barely moving with each breath. His frame was a bit weaker than it had been the night before- maybe he hadn't eaten? Whatever, what did she care? She tapped on the bars to get his attention. He didn't look over, only mentioning that he didn't want to answer any questions.

"Hendery." She said sternly. His eyes twitched slightly, reacting to her voice in almost aversion. His head turned slowly to face her, as if he didn't want to believe what his ears were telling him. She wasn't here. She couldn't be here. He tried to keep his expression still as he addressed her- thankfully, she didn't notice anything off.

"Ah. Y/N. Should I ask when our court date is?"

"I don't know. I haven't spoken to Kun's lawyers yet."

"Kun's..." He said, eyes shifting to the side. "Is he trying to ge us killed? Why would he offer you a lawyer?"

"He needs me to contact them for you."

"You're lying."

"I'm not." He glared upwards, standing to face her as he walked to the bars. She wanted to back up, the hatred radiating off his frame sinking into her very being.

"Why would you do that?"

"It's none of your business. Either way, I'm here to give you the cover story. If you don't take it, it's not my problem, you'll just be thrown into a mental facility or something." His eyes looked up and down her body, although she wasn't exactly sure why. Once they were done snaking her frame, they moved to attempt a glance down the hall.

"I suppose I'll believe you for hypotheses' sake. What's the plan?" She hesitantly repeated most of what Kun mentioned to her, leaving out anything that she felt was irrelevant to him. He had a clear distaste in the suggestion that her and Lucas were in a relationship, or potentially the idea that he was defending the man from her. She wanted to ask what the fuck he was thinking, but she had already made up her mind. He was insane, that's all there was to it. As she was finishing up, she heard a male voice calling down the hall.

"Miss? Miss!" As the original man rounded the corner, he asked,

"Oh! How did you get all the way down there?"

"I-I was going to talk to Hendery."

"Have you yet?"She looked to him. He gave a slight shake of his head and a warning glance as the man approached.


"Oh... Would you like too?" She received no indication from Hendery, but she couldn't afford to fake a conversation in front of the man.

"A-actually, do you mind if I speak to the interviewer again?" She requested, ready to put the plan into action as soon as possible. "There's... there's something I want to tell him." This surprised the man, but he had clearly been informed of the chances of this happening.

"Of course, right this way. He's waiting for you in his office." So he was already expecting her confession. Clearly she was not as proficient of a liar as she had hoped. This was her chance to throw him off the trail, though. It's not likely that a liar would agree to confess another lie. That was her hope, at least.

When she arrived in the man's office, he first asked her if she'd like to completely record the tape. He assured her that she could erase the tape herself and start fresh, the prior statements completely off the record. He assured her that he wanted these 'degenerates' brought to justice just as much as she did. Thankfully, the stress was causing her to cry, helping her performance even more.

"I-I'm so sorry I lied before." She was bawling, rubbing her eyes like the fragile woman she needed to pretend to be.

"It's quite alright, you have your chance now."

"I-" She pretended to collect herself, breathing in deeply with a short sob. "I was telling the truth when I said I ran away." He seemed confused at this. The whole reason he had agreed to this was for her admission of kidnapping, her undiagnosed Stockholm. So why was she insisting upon her initial actions? "B-but I lied about where I ran to..." Interesting... so was she also involved in the kidnappings?


"I-I'm childhood friends with Kun. I knew he was in the area, a-and I needed a place to stay, get away for a bit. I... I knew he was in WayV, but I was just expecting him t-to be living alone. I offered to leave when I met the rest of the band, but he let me stay." Pretending to be embarrassed, she looked towards the ground. "I- I kind of had a crush on Lucas." Just saying it devastated her. She started crying profusely. Certain that he was familiar with the man's injuries, she assumed it wouldn't be suspicious, but her motives were completely different than his expectations.

"I'm sorry for your pain. Although, may I ask where you're going with this?" Sniffling, she pretended to be distraught.

"I- Lucas and I started dating. We had to keep it under the radar, of course, since he was famous, b-but it was really nice. He's a sweetheart. Then there was the problem of my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend, as in Lucas?"

"N-no, my ex. W-we only dated for a little bit, and I started getting bad vibes, so I ended it before things got to serious. He wasn't happy with it at all. I'm not sure how, but he found me. Once he found out that I was dating Lucas, well..." Her head dipped as she made little slashing motions across her arms. "He quickly figured out that they were WayV, so he started stealing their money and killing people with the same names as them as some sort of warning." It was clear that the man hadn't made the name connection prior, making her argument all the more believable.

"Hendery was out at the time, so when he returned to find h-his band member all messed up, he immediately suspected me. I-" This part would be hard for her to say. "I don't blame him, I'm the newest, after all. He had good intentions. He was only carrying a weapon because he thought I was dangerous and wanted to defend himself."

The interviewer ws now heartily confused at this point, almost preferring the original denial to this new one. He was confident in a lawyer's ability to take down her initial argument, but... but this? What was going on? He had no time to verify the credibility of this statement. He could subject all the members to a blind test, but they could refuse to take it. In addition, they may have already agreed on a fake story. This was going downhill for him quickly. Sighing, he rose .

"Thank you for your honesty, Miss Y/N. You are free to return home. I'd ask that you refrain from returning to your temporary home, but I have no legal basis for it, so I cannot stop you. I will warn you that we will soon have a search warrant, though, so maybe take your showers sooner rather than later."

His final statements left a bitter taste in her mouth as she left, already panicking with the amount of work she had to complete. She didn't know why, but this was for them. It had to succeed. 

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