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Chapter warnings: Mild language and violence

Word count: 1392


Y/N was struggling to breathe through the cloth in her mouth as she struggled against her bindings, rolling around on the itchy carpeting of the hatchback of the sedan. She could just barely hear the deep voice humming over the rumble of the road beneath her. It was a sickeningly familiar tune, sung by an even more nausea-inducing, perfect voice.

"I can hear it calling- from where you are, loving the way you wanna talk-" Pausing for a moment, he laughed. "That's one of my favorites. The choreography is pretty nice." Another moment of silence. "I know you can hear me, honey. I heard you wake up. Oh, that's right, I forgot you can't respond." He snickered. "Don't worry, we'll be there in a few minutes, I promise."

The group hadn't notice Henry pull her out of the room as they were too busy holding down Lucas. His struggling was enough cover for hers. She normally would have been able to defend herself, at least a little, but he had been smart. Wrapping the cloth around her mouth and jerking her back, he had pulled her out of the room easily, overtaking her in her surprise. Now, she had no idea where she was going, and no one to help her.

True to his word, the car slowed to a halt soon enough. She waited in fear as she heard the driver's side door open and shut with a clicking bang, anticipating the opening of the back. When it did, the cool air that covered her body was strangely refreshing. Being tied up in the back of a truck wasn't the most comfortable. Leaning over with a gentle hand, he pulled the restraints on her ankles loose, followed by the one over her mouth.

"You dick." She spat as he did so, causing him a round of amusement.

"Sorry, sweetheart, just precautions. You understand why I can't untie your hands." Slipping a hand under her shoulder, he helped her sit up in the back of the car, offering her room to slide down and walk normally. "Come on, we don't have all day." When she still didn't move, he made a disapproving noise, grabbing her by the elbow and ripping her out of the vehicle. She thought about just falling to the ground and being difficult, but she wasn't sure exactly what he would do to her if she chose to be uncooperative. Unwillingly, she followed his slightly rough guidance forward.

The building they had arrived at looked somewhat like a log cabin. If she hadn't been tied up, it would have almost looked like a nice vacation spot. She knew better. Now, it was towering over her, threatening her like a super villain's lair. There was no way anything good would come of this.

Unlocking the door, he led her inside, turning on lights as he went. It was admittedly nice, with a beautiful rustic-modern color palette and well-kept furniture. Bringing her through the kitchen and sitting room, he led her to the master bedroom. Unlike a normal bedroom, though, this one had a prominent, obtrusive cage on the left side, iron bars and all. It looked eerily similar to the ones in the basement of their facility. Noting the expression on her face, he moved to unlock it, saying,

"Who do you think designed the ones we have? Someone had to pick a style. I'd like to think these are the most efficient and productive. They're intimidating, as well." He let the door swing open as he shoved her in, letting her fall to her knees as he shut it behind her, but did not lock it.

"I didn't realize you were a creep in your spare time, too." She said saltily, trying to arrange her dress more modestly without the use of her arms. He seemed taken aback, feigning offense by putting a hand to his chest.

"I wouldn't call it being a creep. I just bring my favorites here."

"Favorites? You hate me."

"Hmm... perhaps favorites wasn't the right term. Try... most interesting?" Leaning forward on his hand as he sat down on the bed, he continued, "Although, you are one of my favorites. I did hate you at first, but that changed very quickly. I could have had you easily, if I'd been quick enough. The fans are always easy, they have a deep-set love for us already. To transfer that from love for idols to love for the human themself is surprisingly simple. But he got in the way."


"See, Lucas and I were actually fairly close. I know you wouldn't believe me if I said it, but it's true. He came to me to tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"That he was in love with you, of course." She breathed in sharply. He had known for that long? And Lucas had known for all that time as well? How had she been so oblivious? If she wasn't face to face with the craziest person on the face of the Earth in that moment, she may have smiled. Right now, though, it was incredibly threatening.

"He planned to tell you. He actually wanted to say it that night, he was walking up the stairs to find your bedroom and let you know. I couldn't let that happen. I panicked." Pulling a knife out of his waistband, he held it to his face thoughtfully. "And so we ended up like we did. But you." He pointed it.

"You still just wouldn't let him go. I thought if he were all scratched up like that you'd at least back away, make him feel unwanted, and he'd give up. But you just had to go and help save his life. I knew he'd wake up more in love with you than ever, especially once he learned you'd saved his life. It would prove to him that you were capable of caring, even for a criminal like him. It makes me sick." He snarled.

"I got angry. I tried to warn against messing with me, I planned to retrieve you. Unfortunately, my preparations were put on a bit of a time crunch once Ten found me. Still, it all worked out. I was going to kill Lucas, get you into my car, and take you with me. Xiaojun just had to step in though. I didn't want to kill anyone, but Lucas was a necessary casualty. A sacrifice for the greater good. Xiaojun wanted to fight me though.

Poor thing, he's not really one for violence. He does well enough handling little girls, but I'm a completely different story. he didn't stand a chance. I didn't expect either of them to survive, though, so I'll give them that. They're strong in that regard."

"Why?" She asked, trying to keep tears from forming at her eyes. "Why do you care so much if Lucas loves me?" He stared for a moment, then laughed out loud. It started out quietly, but soon grew into a full on fit, filling the room with the unsettling sound.

"Are you that dense?" Putting a hand to his head, still jerking occasionally, he said, "Because I'm in love with you, Y/N. But now that Lucas has fucked everything up for me and confessed to you, you'll always love him. You'll never... you'll never change. At first I was going to keep you here until you came to your senses, but..." Holding the knife with an iron grip, he looked down, eyes wide in a creepy stare.

"I'm starting to realize that it's a lost cause. There's only one way we'll be together, Y/N, and that's in a different life." Moving to open the cage, she backed up against the wall as far as she could go, staring up in terror. "If I can't have you, he can't either." He raised the knife above his head, allowing her the tiny comfort of shutting her eyes. She didn't want to say it.

Suddenly, with a loud crash, she was jerked from her paralyzed state, watching as men poured through the door. Holding a gun up, pointed directly at Hendery's head, she heard the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing voice in the world as he said,

"Drop the knife, Hendery." He had come to save her. Lucas and the others were here.

Depreciation (Criminal AU) (WayV x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now