
299 18 13

Chapter warnings: Mild language and violence

Word count: 1097


"Alright, to start off, we need to go over everything that's happened, without exception." Kun stated. It seemed that everybody had changed clothing except foe Y/N, and the color had even begun returning to Hendery's skin. She assumed the he'd eaten at some point, already boding well for his mental health. Kun continued on, several papers in front of him.

"To start with, we obviously owe Y/N a massive bout of thanks. We would have been unable to get ahold of a suitable lawyer without her. And of course, we're lucky she didn't chose to turn us in." Great, that made it a bit awkward. Thankfully, everyone breezed by it. "Of course, we're under heavy watch, now. We've by some miracle managed to avoid a public scandal, but the company will be up our asses now. The tour is continually postponed as we wait to hear back from Xiaojun's doctors. Even if they somehow manage to find a way to perfectly heal all of his injuries, it could take many, many months. I wouldn't be surprised if they stage another issue or a contract disagreement to remove him from the group."

This caused a lot of tension. It felt as though all eyes were on Hendery, who was saying nothing. Everyone knew it was his fault, and he still had failed to defend himself. Honestly, Y/N didn't even know why they were letting him grace the same table as them. Surely he hadn't done something like this before, right?

"Of course, being under surveillance could be extremely detrimental to our business. In light of that, we need to slightly adjust our means of operation. Y/N, you'll be hands-on from now going forward." This caused the room to burst into objection.

"Are you kidding?" WinWin asked. "She knows nothing about operations!"

"She'll turn us in. Or get herself caught." Hendery growled in agreement.

"You shouldn't put something like that on her!" Ten covered the more caring side of the argument. "You said it yourself, we were lucky she helped this much! You can't just expect her to start kidnapping women!" Everyone seemed to have their own objection to it, Kun raising his hands.

"These things are easily taught. We'll be active behind the scenes, but with no tour and such an audience, it'll be more than difficult to do things as we used to. As for the betrayal..." He looked to her. "I don't suppose there'll be any issue?" She swallowed hard, unsure if what she was about to say was the right choice.

"I... I can't do it, Kun." He diverted his eyes to the paper, refusing to meet hers once again.

"And why might that be?"

"I just... It's wrong. I can't." Looking to Ten, he snarled,

"Well, I've got bad news for you, sweetheart. You let us out, which means we're now free to do what we want. If you understand what that means. And trust me, there will be no witnesses to that little tangent, considering there'd be no trial." Was... was that a threat? Kun was threatening her? She had nearly forgotten in all they had been through that he was a businessman. He had only been overly kind to her because it was to his benefit.

Noting the threat and Y/N's adverse reaction, Lucas sat forward, ready to say something, but she shot him a warning gaze. Reluctantly, he stood down, waiting patiently to see what Kun would do next. Setting his papers in order, he continued as if nothing had happened, still revoking his eye contact with her.

"Alright. Now on the issue of filling Lazarus here in." He read through the documents. "No need to spend hours on it. Long story short, Hendery attacked you, Xiaojun and Y/N stitched your wounds, and he ran off, killing 7 girls every few days in correlation to our stage names. He stole half a million dollars, ran off, and then returned, convincing us that it was someone else that had committed the acts." Lucas's brow furrowed.

"I don't think that's actually what-"

"Let me finish." Kun demanding, putting her even more out of ease. What was wrong with him? "We believed in what he said, and he and Y/N left to go find the real culprit. In doing some more research, YangYang and WinWin discovered that our hypothesis had been correct the first time, but when going to retrieve Xiaojun, we found him with both of his arms and legs broken, and you presumably dead. At this point, we were arrested. Y/N, would you care to enlighten us on your half of the incident?"

"M-my half?"

"I'd prefer you tell us what happened as opposed to Hendery, for now, at least." Swallowing, she nodded. She'd rather have her point of view acknowledged, even if it meant feeling a little strange.

"Uh, well, once I was in the car with Hendery, we went to this strange section of the woods, and he let me out of the car. We were standing in the headlights, and he told me that he'd killed Lucas and Xiaojun, and that I was next. He threatened me with a knife, and then suddenly the police showed up... And uh, that was about it I th-"

"You did what?!" Lucas demanded, shouting as he slammed his hands down on the table, standing. Hendery stood to defend himself, but there was a clear four inch height difference between the two. "I was willing to forgive you guys for attacking me, but you have the nerve to try and lay a hand on Y/N? What kind of psychopath are you?"

"You had it coming." He spat.

"Oh, you little-" Lucas shoved his chair back in under the desk, moving around to presumably beat the shit out of Hendery. The man backed up as he came for him, but he was caught by the arm by Kun. Lucas tried to fight through, and it took nearly everyone's effort in the room to push him back against the wall. "Let me go!" He demanded, jerking his body to try and writhe free.

"We're going to talk about this like fucking adults." Kun hissed as he tried to calm Lucas down. "Y/N is fine. She's fine, look-" He only let go when Lucas stopped fighting. He indicated for YangYang and Ten to do the same, WinWin watching curiously from the sidelines. Eyes darting around, searching for hers, he whispered harshly.

"Where is she? Where's Y/N?" Breathing in, he added, "And... where is Hendery?"

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