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Chapter warnings: Possible themes

Word count: 1817


He looked almost exactly the same as before he had been attacked. Stepping into the courtroom at the direction of the prosecution, his face was emotionless and his eyes never left the stand. He was wearing a dark suit, making it impossible to see his scars. His hair was neatly styled and his skin was clear and clean. How was he alive? According to the other members, he had been stabbed through the heart as well as all of his limbs, almost certainly bleeding out. He looked as if he had just been sitting alone in a room until the trial.

It was only as he began to step forward that she realized the lawyer in her ear was trying to talk to her.

"Stop staring at him, woman! You need to object!"

"W-What?" She muttered.


"Objection!" She shouted, not sure what they were doing, but following his lead.

"On what grounds?" The judge asked.

A-as WayV's defendant, I am also in charge of Lucas. We have had no time to go over the details of the case and the plan for-"

"With all due respect, your honor," The other lawyer sneered. "It sounds like she's trying to avoid having a witness testify before she's had a chance to get to them."

"It's not like that!"

"If that's the case, you should have no objections." The judge looked to her, raising their eyebrows expectantly. She had no choice- she revoked her objection and let the questioning commence. He stepped up to the stand, still not looking at her. The prosecution began asking relentless questions about their living situation.

"Are you and Y/N close?"

"...I'd say so? She's in the house a lot."

"A lot.. what do you mean by that? Is she in residence?" He was starting to stumble. He didn't know what he was supposed to say, rambling about random times they had hung out.

"So you agree that Y/N has been living with you for a considerable amount of time."

"...Yes, that's accurate."

"And you're involved?"

"I'm not... I'm not sure I understand your question, I-" At this point, the lawyer was beginning to get fed up with his wandering, evasive answers, and it was clear the jury was becoming suspicious as well.

"Are you or are you not in love with Y/N?" She practically yelled, setting her hand down firmly on the prosecution's table, staring at him. His mouth opened slightly, eyes wide as he glanced over to the group, to her. "Don't look at her! Look at me!" The lawyer demanded. "Answer the question!" Y/N's heart dropped as she realized this was it. He had no idea what they were trying to pull, had no way of figuring out their cover story. There wasn't a reason she could think of for him to guess that this was plausible. If she had to guess, he would think that it was a trap, and that answering yes would contradict an earlier statement. They were done for, and he didn't even know it. It was completely-

"Yes." He said, looking the lawyer in the eyes as he swallowed nervously. "I love her more than anything else in the world." Everyone's faces shifted as he said this, the courtroom falling into a deadly hush. Y/N was ecstatic- she wasn't sure how, but he had figured it out! The other lawyer, however, was furious. There was no way he got in contact with the rest of the group. How had he done it? Unless they had some micro signal, or... no, it was impossible. Y/N took her chance.

Depreciation (Criminal AU) (WayV x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now