chapter 2

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Yesterday I messed up but I really don't care ,maybe I do, I just don't know. Right now I'm standing in my gym class waiting for my turn to jump but all I can see is typical high school drama, mr.williams went out to recieve a call and everybody disappeared and trust me they were swift as a storm and now I'm all alone again but I actually love being alone maybe because I've been alone for so many years .

I changed and headed for my next class and all the girls were forming a circle around the teachers desk and all the boys were frowning .it wasn't that hard to guess but it was obvious ,so called NEW STUDENT alert. I hopped into my chair and started looking out of the window. I turned back to miss.michelle and she had a hard time pushing all the girls back to there places. I didn't looked at the NEW STUDENT infact I was reading another classic book "THE NERD"this book was basically about a small girl and her little small world.

I was turning the page and I felt someone's arm around my shoulder . I turned "hey ! What's up ? I'm X ." I pushed him away got up and ran away. I could hear all blockheads smirking but I really didn't cared about the new guy. I went to library and started going through the mystery shelf . But I heard someone's footsteps. I backed off and hid behind the book shelf I don't know why did I did that ,it were my instincts I guess.

I peeped through and saw librarian miss.nina talking to a strange guy, he wasn't a student or something . I knew I was eavesdropping but "favour shall be returned" that's all I heard .the man walking out and I turned to exit but  I accidentally bumped into some books and miss.nina came to help me . I got up and saw the same man from earlier behind her but this time he had a vase in his hand. he hit miss.nina straight on her head making her faint .

I wanted to scream for help but my throat it was dry I couldn't utter anything I turned and tried to run but I felt a bang on my head my vision got blurry and I hitted hard on the floor the last thing I saw was that the man was pulling miss.nina I wanted to retaliate but I couldn't even move I felt like my whole body was paralyzed.

I opened my eyes.I was in the nurse's office I panicked .I started screaming, nurse came and holded my arms and started calming me down . When I realized that I was still in the school I calmed down . Miss.michelle entered with the principal with pity in there eyes . I never liked sympathy my throat was still dry I couldn't say anything I wanted to tell them that it was not my usual panick attack but some man has actually kidnapped miss.nina.

They whispered something to the nurse and left .I was all alone again but this time I wasn't happy, I was crying. miss.michelle drived me home .I went upstairs and dived into bed and slept .sleeping is the best thing I have ever experienced in my life .


"I pushed them down they call me up they are doing way to much so I just let it ring ring ring "selena gomez is awesome<3 thinking what does it has to do with next chapter ? Well keep thinking. trust me destiny won't be any good this time .
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