chapter 28

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I felt water all over my face I quickly got up and wiped the water with my blanket , "why ?" I asked getting up . Lily was twisting and turning on the floor laughing continously . I rolled my eyes and got inside the bathroom to take a shower , I grabbed a peach colour dress with white converse and blue Jacket . When I came out lily was already dressed into her uniform. "Hurry fast ! You will be late for school!" I asked lifting her backpack but something was wrong . "Why is your bag so heavy?" I asked unzipping the bag .

It was filled with snacks and juices , when I looked up lily was laughing vigorously . I quickly turned and looked at the clock it was only 6 am in the morning. As soon as I turned lily started running downstairs I followed her . We were running and yelling all over the house . "Girls!!! " sky said getting between us . "Lily is going to the school picnic and we are getting late , I would love if you can solve this later." Sky said . Momma came out with 3 lunch boxes . "3rd one?" I asked sitting on the couch. " your dad is staying up late tonight aslo ." Mom said giving us the lunchboxes. Sky and lily left as they were getting late , "what is his new case about?" I asked as we waved then a goodbye . "You should ask him. " mom said getting in . "He won't tell me. " I said honestly "by the way , did you told him about the camp ?" I asked . "I am sorry sweetie he said No ." She said patting my head . I just nodded and went upstairs , I tied my hair into a messy bun and picked up my bag pack and phone. I had got 4 messages from Emma , 7 messages from pig and 2 messages from Drew . I opened Drew's chat .

GL: I want to tell you something.....
GL: Meet me at 4 in the noon at Roselina cafe .

I typed a OK and inserted my phone back into my bag . I walked up to college because I had a lot of time . I had my earphones on and was lost in my own world . When I entered the premises I saw Chris and Rachel with their mates . I ignored them and kept walking soon all of them surrounded me and a guy who I suppose is Chris's friend intentionally bumped into me . "Back off !" I screamed. "You owe me a apology." Rachel said pulling the guy behind . "I don't owe anything to anyone!" I said and turned but all of them formed a circle around me and I couldn't escape.

It was to early so there were no other students beside us , the guy pushed me again and I hitted hard on the floor. I took a deep breath and pulled out a blade which was placed underneath my converse and got up confidently. "Looks like you got a little weapon." The guy said grinning and stepped forward. I couldn't help it and my reflexes were so sudden that I myself didn't realized that I made a huge scaf on his forearm which was dripping with blood. He screamed out of pain , " you will regret !" Chris exclaimed and took his friend to the nurse's office along with his mates but left that silly girl and her slaves behind. "Have you lost it ?" Rachel asked almost screaming but I heard a more loud scream than her at the same time . I turned and it was Alex , "what are you doing?" He asked and came running towards us . "Drop that blade now !" He exclaimed and I realized that the blade I was holding was dripping with blood but I wasn't scared maybe because i shared a very deep bond with blood . I totally ignored all there comments and headed towards the tap and washed the blade and placed it again inside my shoe , I turned "I said you to apologize to her not kill her !" Alex said . " pig stop overeacting , I don't know what happened!" I exclaimed loud enough so that all those stupid people can hear who were staring at us . "You know what I thought that you were right and the world was wrong but I think all those news were correct! I think you killed miss Nina !" He said shouting on me . I ran away from there and didn't looked behind , tears covered all my face . Like seriously how can that pig literally say all that in front of all of them ? Howww ?? .

I kept walking untill my tears dried off , when I lifted my head up I was far away from my college. I wasn't in a state to attend the college so I decided to skip them , my phone buzzed in my bag so I removed it out it was Sky so I picked up . " hello ?" I asked. "I am Mr.Benjamin child , hope you remember me . I want to tell you something reach to the station as soon as possible and don't tell anyone that you are coming here." He said and hunged up . It was 7:30 and I already missed my first class so there was no point in going back . I took a cab and went to the station and stepped inside. Soon a muscular hand pulled me into a room , I looked up and it was Mr.benjamin. he pulled out a chair and made me sit on it , "what are you doing?" I asked. "Listen carefully, sky hasn't told you something and it is really important for you to know. " he said and continued "last night miss Michelle died in the cell , and King was being shifted to another jail at that time as for now he is in custody in texas .

Sky is working on this case but he denied to tell you , one thing is for sure that King is using someone and that someone might come after you too !" He said with utmost concern . I took a deep breath and took the chit out from my bag and handed him . "Oh my God!" He exclaimed after reading the chit . "I don't trust Sky anymore , so I didn't told him anything about this . Yesterday while mom droved me back to home we stopped at a petrol station there a guy gaved me this ." I said . "I am sure he must be disguised but you noticed anything special?" Mr.benjamin asked and I nodded in agreement and draw a design on a sheet and gaved it to him . "He had this tattoo on his inner wrist. " I said. We heard a knock on the door , "Mr.benjamin are you in there ?" I could recognize that sound do quickly that I grabbed my stuff and jumped out of the window. I also exchanged numbers with Mr.benjamin , I walked to grace church and prayed the almighty.  I felt really relaxed whenever I would come to grace church .

It was noon by now and I got 15 missed calls from Emma and I didn't recieved any

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It was noon by now and I got 15 missed calls from Emma and I didn't recieved any . I got a message from Drew saying that he would be waiting for me at the cafe , I mentally rolled my eyes and headed outside. I grabbed a chicken wrap from a food truck and started walking on the streets. As I was walking I nearly choked my bite when I saw a board hanging outside a shop .

 As I was walking I nearly choked my bite when I saw a board hanging outside a shop

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I drank water and then went inside the tattoo shop .
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