chapter 30

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"Burning truth"🌋
I could see the same thing happen again but this time I wasn't that small and weak Evelyn . I got up and wrapped my blanket all around me , I went to the window and tried to open it but it was locked . With every single second I was stepping closer to death . Till I turned around to look for the door , it was all foggy now . The smoke was making me suffocate . I screamed for help but  no one came , I saw the flames grow vigorously . Within even thinking about the outcome I straight away jumped into the fire , I kept running through the smoke and finally reached the door but it was locked from outside. As the time flew by , blanket was burning rapidly . I gathered all my strength and applied full force to break the door , finally it opened I jumped out of the room and threw the blanket on the floor. The wooden flooring catched fire and the corridor was covered in flames within seconds .

I ran downstairs and went to check sky and Mom's room but no one was in the house , something clicked in the back of my mind and I ran to the main door . It was locked , I turned around and saw flames were heading closer but found out that it won't burn the entire house . The fire was still in the staircase area so I ran to the kitchen and pulled the last cabinet and luckily found the gun . I opened the sink tap and let the water flow down , it wasn't enough but it was helping the fire to slow down a little. I took the gun and shooted on the lock , I got out and closed the door.

I screamed for help and finally neighbors came out , I could see the house burn right infront of my eyes exactly like it did 10 years ago the only difference was this time the west side of the house were my room is situated was completely burned to ashes but all the other parts weren't that burnt . I borrowed phone from my neighbor and called police and also fire brigade , Mr.benjamin came with other men . "Call a ambulance!" Mr.benjamin ordered to the officer . Till the fire fighters were doing there work the doctor checked me , "is she okay doctor?" Mr.benjamin said . "Apply this ointment on the burns and scars don't eat spicy food for next 3 months. " the doctor said handling the prescription to Mr.benjamin and patted my head before leaving. 

"Where are the others??!" I asked getting up. "Sky has gone to texas for the Michelle case and I got a call from Lauren saying that she is taking lily to the hospital , lily vomited at night and they didn't wanted to disturb you." Mr.benjamin said getting his phone out . "Whom are you calling?" I asked. "Lauren." He replied. I suddenly saw flashes all over , I hid my face and looked between my arms . It was the media again but this time I won't hide . I removed my arms and walked up to them. " How did this happen?" "Did you tried to commit suicide again by burning your own house?" "Do you know who killed miss Michelle?" "Did you killed miss Nina?" And many more questions. I freezed there and suddenly Mr.benjamin came pulled me out of the media , the officers handled the media while Mr.benjamin and I headed to hospital to see Lauren and lily .

I got inside and Mr.benjamin went to the reception to get details about lily's room number . Something buzzed from my pocket I got it out and it was Mr.benjamin's phone,it displayed SKY . So I picked it up. " I am in texas,I heard of the house fire in the news I will be back by tomorrow morning handle everything well....that's my order!" Sky said and hunged up . I couldn't say anything because I was in shock , I always looked at sky as a father figure and he talked with respect to everyone but today what I heard didn't sounded like him or else I was hearing sky for the first time. 

Mr.benjamin came back and said "room number 456" . I nodded and was about to follow him as he had already started walking but the receptionist called me , I got there and she said that I had a caller waiting on the line , I gulped and recieved it . "Who's this?" I asked being a little scared . "It's me Drew! Are you okay??!! Did you got hurt??!" He said in a panicked tone. "I am fine but I think it was planned. " I said lowering my voice. "I know I am hiearing a private detective for you , but this question is how did the person who's behind you got to know everything about you and your plan?" He said . I heard Mr.benjamin calling my name so I quickly hunged up. 

I kept thinking about what he said and in that moment I got lost and bumped into the glass wall . "Are you okay?" Mr.benjamin asked I nodded and then he entered the room . I looked up at and saw my reflection. I looked like a maniac . Messy hair , burnt shirt and burnt pajamas.  I looked dirty as my face was covered with filth. I sighed and suddenly shone in the mirror. I stepped closer and closer, I touched the mirror and looked at my reflection for 2 minutes. I am not self obsessed or something but I clicked something at that moment. My eyes were adoring the adorable necklace around my neck , I removed it and changed my way .

I didn't entered the room instead I left the hospital . I walked untill I found a Telephone booth and called Drew , he sended a car for me and I happily enjoyed the ride in the amazing sports car. I got inside without wasting time, as I visited the house in the morning I remembered the directions so I quickly got into the room and took a shower and dressed into a simple jeans and hoodie which I found in the closet. I got out in the living room and took my necklace and started breaking it . Drew was watching me sitting on the couch doing his work on the laptop , "stop staring! I am not a alien!" I said . "You are messing around with the necklace from past 2 hours, quit it and sleep." He said.

I was quite frustrated by now and threw the necklace on the floor and got up. I heard a cracking sound and turned back . My heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped on to the floor.
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