Chapter 5

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It was early in the morning and the group asked someone where Ayana's hut was. They knocked on the witch's door. A tall dark women opened it, her face annoyed and bitter. 

"The travelers. Come in, children, have a seat please." She opened the door wider. 

The walked in and sat down. 

"The spirts sent me a message. They said the powerful and helpful witch had started teaching lessons again. She walks through out the world giving blessings to those she believe deserves them, or she teaches people lessons by placing curses on them..." She shook her head, "According to the spirts, the most famous of her stories happened when she cursed a prince turning him into a beast, so he could learn to love and be loved. To break the curse, he had to win someone's affection." 

Caroline jumped up from her seat and yelled

"The Beauty and The Beast! That was Agathe? I love that story!" 

"Well, you can't change the future to much. But usually when Agathe does something like this she'll show up to explain what you have to do." Ayana said. 

"Understand children. Agathe does theses things to teach people lessons or to change their faiths. Now I don't know what happened in your time to make her send you her but she had good reason. Was witches respect her because she was on of the first." 

"What do you mean one of the first?" Bonnie asked. 

"You know the story of how Adam and eve were the first humans?" Ayana looked at the four. They nodded their heads.

"What isn't in the stories is how they had a daughter given to them by god and he blessed her with powers and immortality, so she could fix things that were to happen or that have already happened."

"So if she is the first witch. Does that mean witches get their power from her or...?" Bonnie questioned. 

"It means that she is the one that picked families to be witches. She came across the Bennett's long ago and blessed them with magic so that everyone in the Bennett bloodline would be a witch." 


"How did she even send us here? She wasn't even near was when I made the wish." Caroline asked. 

"The necklace she gave you is powerful. She, herself put a spell on it, so whoever wheres it can make a wish and only one wish, then it gets passed to someone else."

"Now kids you must fit in and when she arrives she'll tell you what to do. Now Bonnie I since we are family, we will tell people you are my very distant relative and that Mr. Salvatore took care of you as your parents last request." Ayana looked at the young witch. 


The four kids left and walked back to their hut. 

"We are so screwed we are stuck in the Stone Age with the freakin human originals." Caroline whined. 

"Its not the Stone Age and you heard Ayana, Agathe will be hear shortly." Bonnie said. 

"So until she arrives to tell us our task we blend in Stefan needs to leave for work and we have to do chores." Elena said. 

Everybody nodded. Stefan left for the job he had gotten yesterday. 


The girls  asked around for a place to wash the cloths, and were told to go to a river nearby. The girls had barely reached it when they saw Elijah, Klaus, and Finn. Elena waved at the man she had just 'met' the day before and saw him approaching with the others. 

"Miss Salvatore! What a pleasure to see you! Brothers his is the lovely lady I told you about yesterday and that I invited over for supper at our hut tonight. These are my brothers, Finn the eldest, and Niklaus, one of my little brothers. We're out to hunt." Elijah said. 

Finn and Niklaus seemed surprised staring at Elena, thinking how much she looked like Tatia. Elena felt a little bothered by it, was everyone in this village going to look at her like that?

 "Nice to meet you Finn and Niklaus." She smiled politely, "Oh! This is my little sister, Caroline Salvatore, my one and only sister." Elena pointed at Caroline, her friend was just a few months younger than her anyway.

The blonde raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. 

They all greeted the blonde, who said it was a pleasure to meet them all. She couldn't help but notice how Klaus was staring at her. It was unnerving. She always found him handsome, but knew better than to say a word. Especially considering he was a psycho son of a bitch, whose favorite hobby was to kill people. Although the girl had to admit that human Klaus looked sweet...almost innocent.

"Are you going to wash your clothes in the river?" Elijah asked smiling.

Elena felt her legs get a little weak but ignored it. When she was about to answer she heard someone calling her name. 

"Elena? Lena? Caroline? Care?" Bonnie yelled as she ran towards the river. 

She stopped in-front of her two friends catching her breath. The three Mikaelson's were confused. 

"What is it Bonnie?" Caroline asked concerned. 

"Agathe is here, she brought someone with her." Bonnie said in between breaths. 

Elena looked towards Elijah and smiled "Sorry we have to go. But we'll see you tonight." Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie ran towards the hut. 

The three brothers just looked at each other. 


The girls walked into the hut and saw a red head on the floor in a dress similar to theirs and a young beautiful women standing next to the body.

"Sorry it took me so long to get here. I had to pick her up on the way." She nodded towards the read head. 

"It's okay. Who is she?" Elena asked. 

"Her name is sage, She was in mystic falls and she will help you." Agathe said. 

Sage jolted up and looked around. "Where the hell am I?" She looked towards the girls and recognized them. 

"Where am I" She asked again. 

"Sage calm down. Your in the past, more specifically 1000 years in the past." Agathe explained. 

"How?!" She was freaking out. 

"Honey sit down and I'll explain." Sage sat on the couch as did the other three girls. 

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