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The early morning light crept through the window shining into your eyes, making you wake up from your slumber. You rub your eyes smelling the faint aroma of oranges. "Shit I'm in Sero's room aren't I" you look over to see Sero sleeping in his hammock peacefully. " you walk over to him and smile.

     "Hey Sero" you whisper, nudging his shoulder. Sero groans and turns his back to face you, continuing to sleep. "Sero you loser we're third years now you should get out of bed early" Sero's eyes flutter open. "good morning sleepy head" You giggle as he turns to face you. "five more minutes" he sighs, closing his eyes again.

"your mom needs five more minutes," 

    Sero fakes a gasp "you've been doing my mom! How could you (Y/n) I trusted you"
"yeah totally. All the time. Now get out of the hammock." You say grabbing his arm to drag him up to get ready for the day. He instead pulls you down next to him in the hammock locking his arms around you.

    He obviously knew he could overpower you strength-wise without using quirks. You two were stuck in very close proximity, you lying atop of him, his arms wrapped around your torso. "fancy seeing you here" he smiles looking up at you. Your face flushed. "SERO HANTA YOU LET ME GO THIS INSTANT" you fain anger even though you both knew that you were just flustered.

     "Well, shouldn't you learn to get used to this. I mean we are a couple now right?" he says. "Only on Saturday, you off-brand spiderman looking ass" You insult him. Sero laughs in response. "I guess so but shouldn't we decide on some ground rules like what we are both comfortable with?" Sero asks.

    "yeah that would be a good idea," you say taking a mental note to talk to him later about what he is comfortable with. Suddenly someone opens the door "Sero buddy wanna get breakfast togeth---oh I- I see you're busy..." The electric blonde friend of ours says as he walks in and immediately walks out. "KAMINARI DON'T ACT LIKE THIS IS A BIG DEAL BECAUSE IT'S NOT" you yell.

    "Okay I'm done with this I'm going to my dorm and taking a hot shower." You say ripping yourself from Sero's embrace. "You didn't deny it," Sero says. Confusion spreads across your face "deny what?" "that we aren't dating" Sero responds. "I'm just getting into character for Saturday."  a mischievous smile spreads across your face before you close the door and go to your room to shower and get ready for the day.

    During the class, you grab a journal to write notes about what your boundaries are for this whole thing.

"I'm okay with handholds"

"I'm okay with hugs"

"I'm okay with--"

    "(Y/N)!" Aizawa yells from across the classroom "are you going to pay attention or not!?" Your teacher reprimands you. You look at your homeroom teacher with a horrified look on your face. "I'm so sorry sir. I was distracted," you confess. "okay what was your answer to question five on the homework." Aizawa states going back to his monotonous tone. You state your answer, sighing a sigh of relief when you got it correct.

     You sit back in your seat now more focused on the class just because of your unbridled fear and respect for your teacher. Lunch rolled around and you sat at the Bakusquad table though they were very chaotic; they were the closest friends you've ever had. Kirishima was sitting next to Bakugou trying to touch his hair. Bakugou was yelling and trying to fight Kirishima Mina was trying to separate the two of them. Jirou was listening to music trying to tune out the chaos surrounding her.

    While Denki was sitting there. A smug look on his face. Staring from you to Sero back to you and back to Sero again. "So did you stay the night together in the hammock," he asks nonchalantly. The entire friend group stopped what they were doing to look over to the two of you. An awkward silence fills the table until mina yells "YOU TWO SLEPT TOGETHER!!!"

    The entire cafeteria got really quiet really fast. All of the attention in the room was put on us for a few minutes before everybody continued to go back to what they were doing before. "shhh Mina no we didn't why did you have to yell that so loud?" You say reprimanding her. Mina just giggles and continues eating her food.

     ¨wait but I saw you two. You guys we're totally cuddling. Sero you were all over (y/n).¨ Kaminari says trying to back up his claims. Wrapping his arms around himself trying to mimic the way Sero held you. ¨Kami it's just a homie cuddle. Bakugou and Kiri do it all the time.¨ You tease earning a loud yell from the ash blonde. " I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Kaminari stops him from blasting you into space, stating: "no, no. (y/n) has a point. The homies, in fact, do cuddle." 

    "See, our point exactly," Sero says. "well if you two were dating it would be super cute. I ship it!" Mina bubbles. "If Sero gets a significant other before I do what would that even make me. I'm supposed to be the ladies man.¨ Kaminari sighs. "I guess that makes you nothing" Jirou jokes sarcastically, causing you and Bakugou to laugh a little.

    The rest of the school rolls by quickly and soon the students of class 1-A start to hang out together in the common room. Midoriya Iida Uraraka and Todoroki seemed to be studying. While Sato and Momo seemed to be in the kitchen baking something.

    You and Sero sat together on the common room couch just talking until one of you brought up the topic. "So what are your boundaries for this thing? I don't wanna overstep my boundaries in any way possible." Sero says. "okay let me think I'm fine with hand-holding and dancing." "I'm cool with that. What about arms around shoulders, waist hips?" Sero asks.

    "I'm okay with that. I'm fine with kisses except for none on the lips. I don't want any of your tape cooties." "Owww harsh you really don't wanna kiss me that bad" Sero says. "I could kiss you (Y/n)" a purple-haired gremlin says coming out from behind the couch. "No, not yours. mine." Sero says wrapping a protective arm around your shoulder.

     "Cmon bro we could just share If I could just feel her—" Mineta gets interrupted when Sero uses his quirk to tape his mouth shut. "Imma say no to that chief now, get lost," Sero says. Mineta is still trying to get the tape off of his mouth as he walks away. "Maybe you can be my fake boyfriend around Mineta," you say in between giggles. "yeah I'll protect you and the other girls from him till the day I die" Sero states, raking his hands through his hair. You laugh in response and continue talking about your boundaries.

    "Oh crap, I just realized that we have this family tradition where every family reunion we need to dress formally. We need a dress for me and a suit for you! God, that totally slipped my mind" You realize. "(Y/n) you're freaking yourself out. It's only Wednesday today. it'll be okay; let's just go shopping tomorrow after school and make a day out of it." Sero says, his sincere smile calming you down significantly.

    "thanks," You say glad to have Sero there to help you when you need it. "well I'll see you tomorrow after class scotch tape." You say pointing finger guns at him. " (Y/n) will you ever stop comparing me to tape brands" "not unless you become quirk-less" You joked leaving Sero in the common room.

    Mina and Kaminari walked over to Sero who was sitting on the couch. "So what was that whole conversation about," Mina says wiggling her eyebrows. Kaminari looks at Sero expectantly. Sero sighs and says "We were talking about...nunya" "nunya who's that is she cute?" Kaminari asks.

    "Yeah, Nunya business," Sero says with a sly smirk adorning his features. "Whatttttt no fair you need to tell us what's going on between you two!" Mina exclaims while Kaminari has a confused look on his face. "Wait, who's Nunya business?" Mina and Sero deadpanned at the blonde boy.

    "I don't have to tell guys anything, plus you two are awful at keeping secrets," Sero adds on looking at his two good friends. "okay I'm going to my room," Sero says, walking back to his room. Mina sighs upset that she couldn't get an answer from her black haired friend. Then Kaminari states matter of factly

¨ohhhhhh he meant none of your business. ¨

¨yes, yes he did Kaminari.¨

A/n: second chapter let's gooooo I now have a friend helping me edit this story so if you see this thank you Ivan :p I'm planning to hopefully finish this story in a months time.

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