The letter

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    You finally got back to your dorm, muscles sore after a hard day of training. 'U.A. does not go easy on me, academically and hero training wise.' You think putting down your backpack and mail. You sigh changing out of your uniform. glancing down at your desk you see the small stack of letters.

Your close friends thought it would be fun to send each other mail with small goodies in it since they didn't get into U.A. All of the envelopes were covered in cute stickers and fun drawings but one of the envelopes looked different than the others.

    Your happy smile turned into a look of confusion. The envelope was just normal and white. You took the envelope into your hands and slowly teared it open.

It read:
hello Y/n, you are formally invited to the L/n family reunion. We hope to see you there on march 20th 2020.
I looked and saw a hand written note underneath the print

It's near the school you go to so I hope you can make it.  Also bring that secret boyfriend you talked about^^ -(cousin name)

    You sat there in shock 'I couldn't bring a boyfriend I don't even have a boyfriend.' An excuse to get family members to stop bothering you about being single backfired. You frantically raked your hands through your hair. 'What am I gonna do'

    "Y/n can you help me with question seven...y/n? Y/N!" Mina yells taking you out of your trance like state. "Huh what?" You ask looking at your pink skinned friend. "Are you okay you've been spaced out this whole time." Mina says. "Yeah sorry I've just been pretty distracted lately." You confess looking around the room avoiding eye contact.

    You can't stop thinking about the family reunion and the date of it. Three days from now. Three days. You rub my eyes and try to focus on the assignment and your friend in front of you. "Mk then you better Help me with this." Mina grins. "I'm not even that smart. If you were going to need help you should've asked Bakugou or Sero they're the book smart ones." You say.

    "But Bakugou is too meannnn" she frowns and then continues. "And if I were alone with sero you'd get too jealous" she giggles at your flushed face. It was true you did have a tiny crush on the scotch tape stoner though you'd never admit it.

    "That's not true I only think he's attractive. there's a difference between 'oh hey you look nice today' vs 'take me into your arms and never let go.'" "Okayyy if that's what you say." Mina teases. "Okay Mina lets just focus on this assignment."

"Avoiding the question I see"

    "Mina quit it" You say in jest. Many hours of studying and jokes later you felt utterly exhausted you smile at Mina as you leave her dorm room saying that you were too tired to continue studying without falling asleep.

    you close the door and walk into your dorm room to see your arch nemesis laying on my bed. That damn letter. You lay down just staring at the letter not even reading the print to spare yourself from the harsh reality of it. 'Should I tell them I lied? No way that would be so humiliating'

    You mull over thoughts about your current predicament until You get a text. You look down at your phone to see a text from Sero.

Flex tape: I found a new edible recipe wanna come down to the common room and make some with me?

    You roll on your side and respond. Your energy immediately replenished.

Y/n: hell yeah I'll be out there in a minute

    You put on my shoes and check the time. 'It's 2 am so mr. aizawa is probably sleeping.' You shiver remembering the one time your teacher almost discovered what you and your friends where doing. The group had to tell him that kaminari was sick but Denki kept saying "is it working?" and "am I high?" Your glad you and Sero were so stone faced or else our facade would have been broken.

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