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Chapter 14: I love you to the moon and back.


It was the morning of Christmas Day, and Perrie wide awake. Which is unusual because Jade would usually be up before her and shower her with kisses until eventually, she was up and ready to go. But not this time.

She figured it was the nerve of Jade not liking her present, I mean what do you give someone who has everything?

"Merry Christmas, baby." Perrie spooned her close and kissed her shoulder before pressing their cheeks together. Jade turned her head to peck Perrie on the lips before shifting and changing their positions, so she could hug Perrie like a big stuffed animal.

"Merry Christmas." Jade mumbled against Perrie's chest, "What time is it?"

"Just past eight," her hand slowly rubbed Jade's stomach, hoping to get some before they went down to her noisy family, "You know what I'd like for Christmas?" she fiddled with Jade's waistband hoping she'd get the hint.

"You know what I'd like for Christmas?" Jade's eyes still closed.


"For you to stay still." Jade grabbed her wandering arm and wrapped it around her waist. She snuggled her face on her girlfriend's freckled chest and hummed in delight.

Perrie chuckled and smothered Jade's face with kisses before hovering over the brunette, "C'mon, wanna stay in bed for a while? I doubt anyone is awake right n-"

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" The sound of Perrie's little cousin along with her niece and nephew's voice followed by thundering footsteps was loud enough to startle them.

"You were saying?" Jade cocked an eyebrow and pushed the blonde off her.

Perrie hoped that one day if they got married, they wouldn't have more than one kid.

They made their way downstairs and watched the little kids rip open their presents while the adults started on the meals. And as for Perrie and Jade, they spent their time playing with snow.

Perrie had never seen Jade so informal before and it made her heart flutter. As much as she loved Jade's sophisticated self, there was something about Jade not caring that made her realise that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.

After dinner, they played traditional games along with a few glasses of beer. Perrie could tell by Jade's rosy cheeks that she was a few or maybe one glass of beer away from passing out again.

"Baby, can you come with me for a second?" Perrie whispered to Jade while she was laughing at embarrassing stories of baby Perrie from her uncle.

"Where we going?" Jade immediately linked their arms and followed her girlfriend back to their room.

"Are you having fun?" Perrie sat on the bed while Jade straddled her lap.

"Sooo much fun, Perrie." she wrapped her arms around her neck and gave Perrie a sloppy kiss. The taste of nothing but liquor on their tongues.

"You've had too much to drink, I think my family and friends are turning you into an alcoholic." Perrie chuckled.

Jade laughed, hugged her tighter then sucked her neck before attempting to grind on her thighs.

"As much as I want to, I didn't bring you up here to get you in bed with me," Perrie smiled Jade's pouty lips, "Wanted to give you something." she guided Jade to sit patiently on the bed before disappearing into her closet and pulling out a present wrapped in brown paper.

"A present?" Jade tried to blink away a little bit of the drunkenness in her.

"It's small, and not that great but I really wanted to get you something."

Jade's entire expression changed in a matter of seconds. Perrie handed her the present and anxiously watched her open it gently with her delicate hands as if the useless brown paper was made of gold and worth millions of dollars.

"It's not much. I didn't know what to get you because you kind of have everything in the world already, but I hope you like it." Perrie's leg bounced, feeling uneasy with Jade's silence.

The brunette was now holding the unwrapped present in her hands and staring at it with a near to no expression.

"D-Do you like it?" Perrie chewed on her bottom lip.

In Jade's hand was a framed photo with a necklace around the frame. In the photograph was a picture of them sitting on a bench under a tree with Jade's head on Perrie's shoulder and Perrie's arm around Jade. Perrie had asked a stranger to take their picture out of the blue that day, though Jade found it odd that the blonde started insisting they take more pictures together, she didn't say anything about it.

"I saw you had a picture of us in your room, I thought you'd like another. And well, the necklace has a jade on it and your name is Jade.. I thought it would be cute..."

There was another moment of silence until Perrie realised the reason why Jade had her head hung low, was to cover the tears in her eyes.

"Hey, don't cry." Perrie tucked her curls behind her ear and lifted her chin up. Her wet tears emphasised her eyelashes and her eyes looked like they were sparkling. Her bottom lip quivered and Perrie couldn't help but smile. "Do you hate it that much?" Perrie teased and received a weak push on the shoulder.

"I love it, thank you." Jade sniffed and wiped her tears with her sleeves and kissed Perrie on the cheek, "I got you something too."

She walked over to the bag she wouldn't let Perrie touch and pulled out another bag that had a little red ribbon on it. Perrie was glad she had given her present before because the size difference made her present look like nothing.

"I hope that isn't expensive.." Perrie scratched her head.

"Open it." Jade smiled and sat with her hands on her thighs, feeling a little soberer than a few minutes ago.

Perrie opened the present just as gently as Jade did with hers and smiled. A new and fresh denim jacket. Similar to the one she wore when she first met Jade.

"You lost yours a few weeks ago, it was almost perfect timing because I didn't know what to get you." Jade half laughed.

"Thank you," Perrie looked deeply in Jade's eyes and pulled her in for a kiss. A kiss that felt like their first and as cheesy as it sounded, she had to say "I love you to the moon and back."

Jade laughed and poked Perrie's nose with her own before repeating, "And I love you, to the moon and back."


A/N: next chapter will be the last one! :)
- wasabist x

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