Where The Hell Am I

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Diamond's POV:

Is this really how I die...

Ain't no way, I can't believe I died just like that...

This has to be one of the top 10 most humiliating ways to die, this literally has to be scientifically impossible. A punch buggy killed me. A gyat damn punch buggy killed me I wanna laugh so bad but I can't cause I'm the fool who was unfortunately killed by a punch buggy, even though I'm dead this is something I can never forget. I don't even wish this upon my worst enemy like, I get a truck that can kill a person, it's huge, a normal sized car it kills, I mean it makes sense look at it. But a punch buggy, really, is my body really against me. I genuinely don't know how to feel about this but then again I'm dead so am I really feeling things or is this the last thought I have before I'm gone. I need to die ASAP because this sh*t actually hurts, like I'm in so much pain I can't physically take it any much longer I just want to close my eyes and die peacefully.

 I need to die ASAP because this sh*t actually hurts, like I'm in so much pain I can't physically take it any much longer I just want to close my eyes and die peacefully

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"Push Harder" I heard someone say distantly . "OML I swear if you tell me that sh*t one more time I'm smacking the sh*t out of you" I heard someone else say with a bit more strain on their voice. I  just died and they arguing on my gravestone with no decorum at all .......hold on hold on hold on how the hell can I hear them argue if I'm dead. Sh*t am I a ghost now, why the hell am I still here but why the hell is it so stuffy and why am I moving so much. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life and I'm dead.

Why is it so cold....

Why do I feel so compressed...

I can't open my eyes....

Why the hell am I cryi...

Oh hell no! I refuse to believe it, why the hell am I a baby? This is impossible this must be some sort of simulation my brain started to play out when I died. " It's a girl" said the Doctor as she gave me back to some random people who I assume are my parents since I still can't see cause my eyes were still closed. I then heard them discussing  the topic of names which I sadly concluded to be me" What are we gonna name her?" Said the person with the low pitch voice "How about a gemstone....how about Amethyst ?"  The person with the strain voice suggested. " That's a pretty name but what about Diamond?" He suggested "Mmmhmm, I like it okay so what about Diamond being her first name and Amethyst being her middle name?" She stated. The man hummed back in agreement, it's ironic how I got to keep my actual name but I can't believe this sh*t like it's impossible. A few hours had passed since I've been born and after taking my first nap I finally had enough strength to open my eyes and I looked around in disbelief and after "taking everything in" that's when I really cried out.

"Where The Hell Am I."


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