Chapter 6

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"Your report Mr Luke. The head Scientist of Oscorp Evolution requested on the big flat screen.
On the next flat screen was the Vice President. Next to that screen was the Weapons Scientist. And in the bottom middle screen was the President.

Ron typed a few things and sent the reports to them via the comm link. "As you can see upon my findings, I need more time. The Genesis machine prove to be unique and creates it's own reproductive system. Which was possible for the male to be alive. At the moment, I'm taking tests to see if there may be any side affects but I found none so far.
I'm trying my best to figure out how it could have made a fully functional brain and heart, nerves, the works.
I've opted to take the machine apart and go over my plans and findings again. Once this is done, I will send the machine with the data to the Oscorp lab for further inspection." Ron said and adjusted his glasses.

"Where is the subject now?" The Vice President asked him. "Inside my lab Vice President McCarty. The test subject only speaks one language and retells of Ancient Egypt. So far the test subject proves to be adapting perfectly." "No casualties?" "None." Ron replied confidently to the Head Scientist.

"When will the test subject be sent to Oscorp?" The Head Scientist asked him now.

"I do not have a date set yet. But it should take me up to three months to complete my findings over the Genesis machine again and then, I'll send both the machine and the tests subject." He told them.
"You have my full jurisdiction to see how far the machine goes before you take it apart again." The President told him. "Thank you Madam President."

"I would also like to make a request, that none of this goes to the public. It has to be kept from the media at all cost." He voiced and got agreements. "Thank you for your time Madam President, Vice President, Head Scientist Montgomery and Weapon Scientist McCarthy. I'll send another update at the end of each three weeks. Till then."

The screens turned blue before they switched off.

He left the lab to call his sister. He always called her randomly because she couldn't keep to his schedule. Nor does he wait on her call. She always seems to call at the worst of times.

"Hey little nerd. Was wondering when your gonna call." The sweet voice of his sister floated through the phone. Ron smiled. "Hello Mira. How is your life? You in good health?" He asked his sister. "You know I'm in good health. I'm currently busy reading a script of the series I'm in. What about you? Have you finished that thing you said you were gonna build?" Ron nodded even though he knew she couldn't see him.
"Yes, it's finished. I am in good health as well. I have a room mate." He finished as he inspected his nails.

Neat and clean.

He held the phone away from his ear when his sister screamed in excitement. "You what?! Tell me everything!" She demanded. Ron sighed. "There isn't much to tell. Just that it is a male. Oscorp sent him over so that I could mentor him or something like that. Which I hate. He has been staying here a week!" Ron listed off his story he made up without much thought. He had to make up something to explain why Tian was here in the first place before his sister would come to visit. He still had to inform Tian about his sister. "A guy?! Wow little brother! Who would've thought?" His sister teased and he narrowed his eyes.

"I do not like that teasing tone in your voice." He said. "You know I'm just teasing. And besides, I'm so happy your interacting with other humans. Keep it up." Ron scowled. "Believe me, I had no choice on the matter. They just dumped him here. And your making me sound alienated." His sister huffed on the other end. "All I'm saying is, at least you must like something about him if he is still with you for so long. That is nice, you like him."

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