Chapter 1

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Iida's POV

FOR FUCKS SAKE! WHY DID I NOT NOTICE THE FUCKING KNIFE THAT DRUNK GUY HAD! I cursed my luck in my mind as I ran as fast as I could across the rooftops, hearing the sirens closing in on the alley to where the man was tied up after attempting to mug a teenager. I leapt across the rooftops trying to get as far away as possible from there to minimize my chances of getting caught.

I stopped to breathe and only then did I look at the damage done by the drunk dumbass. A decent cut on my arm that can easily be blamed as me falling out of bed in the morning and catching my arm on something. Thank God. If it was any deeper it might not be as easy to pass off. What time is it? I checked my watch- SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT! IT'S ALREADY 1 AM? I GOT TO GET HOME NOW BEFORE THEY NOTICE!

~Time skip~

I quietly closed my window after I got into my room. Peeling off my reinforced, all kinds of proof hoodie and dropping my basic cloth mask with a voice changer in it, I went into my bathroom to bandage my arm. Note to self - get a stronger hoodie. I winced as I got out my first aid kit, knowing what was to come.

Pulling out rubbing alcohol, gauze and bandages, I soaked some gauze with the alcohol and started cleaning my arm of blood, cursing under my breath as I did so. God fucking damnit this hurts like a bitch. I finally finished and pressed the rest of the gauze over the wound and wrapped my arm with the bandages, just tight enough to keep a steady pressure but not enough to cut off my circulation.

I cleaned everything up and hid my gear in the back of my closet in drawers under all my other clothes. I swiftly changed into my PJ's and climbed into bed. I heard footsteps and closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I heard my door creak open and somebody make their way across my room and sit on my bed. I felt a hand run through my hair and recognized it as my brother's, Iida Tensei, better known as the pro hero Ingenium. I know for a fact that he is trying to rant and all I do is pretend to be asleep.

"Its been a tough patrol tonight. The vigilante has been out and about and the police are trying as hard as they can to catch him before he does something stupid. They are saying that he might not even be mid twenties like originally thought cause apparently the woman that got saved kept hearing different tones of voice. Probably a voice changer. With the description, it might be entirely possible that the guy is not even over 18."


"That is scary. Why is he so young and putting his life at risk? Enough about that. I should let you sleep and not disturb your rest. Night Tenya, love you."

I heard footsteps and my door shutting, allowing me to try and catch my breath over the revelation that my voice changer is broken. I'll think about this more tomorrow. I need sleep so I can put back up my facade of a nice little teacher's pet. The U.A entrance exams are in 5 months. Being a vigilante certainly has kept me fit the past year. I just need to train more.

With that final thought I drift off to sleep for school tomorrow.

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