Chapter 3

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Tensei's POV

I leave Tenya's room with a small smile, knowing that he would promptly finish checking everything over and come downstairs to eat. I just wish that he wasn't so uptight. He needs to learn to relax every once in a while.

When he was a child he obeyed all the rules and berated anyone who didn't for 'improper behaviour' while doing his arm chopping thing that he still does, the only difference is that he was a little freer back then, letting small things slide. Now he is so stiff that a simple poke can knock him over. He fell over this morning as proof that he can be so stiff. He probably tried to rush so that he can arrive at school an hour early at least. I chuckled at the thought, knowing it was probably true. Walking into the kitchen, I decided to look over the case file on that vigilante. Picking it up, I sat down at the table to finish eating my breakfast.

Name: Loop

Real Name: Unknown

Gender: Male

Age Range: Mid 20's to early 30's Somewhere between 14 and 18; had used a voice changer to try and sound older

Quirk: Unknown; Possibly a mental quirk

Height: 179 cm of 5'10" roughly

Calling Card: Always leaves the criminals wrists tied in a double loop; usually tied around a pole as well

Patrol Area: No distinct patrol area; new area every night; goes where the most trouble is

Solved Cases: Roughly 900

Amount of Time Being a Vigilante: 1 and a half years

Looks: Has a black hoodie that has appeared to be resistant to almost anything including, fire and weak forms of acid

Black sweatpants, same as the hoodie

Combat boots that go up to the knee

Black gloves

Black mask with a voice changer

Hero Run Ins: None that are accounted for

Case: Ongoing

There really is nothing that can be helped to track down this guy. Everything that he has looks like it can be bought at any store so there really is almost no way he can be caught. I huffed in pure annoyance that we can't get him. I like vigilantes due to the fact that they can reach the people that us heroes sometimes can't, but this guy is way too young to be doing this.

"Brother, I have finished eating and am ready to go now." I was startled out of my thoughts by Tenya, who was standing by the doorway waiting patiently for me.

"Right. Let me grab my keys and then we can go."

Tenya's POV

I wait for Tensei by the door as he downs his coffee and rushes to grab his keys. Our parents usually are around in the evenings due to them working all day in different parts of Mustafa and come home in the evening so we can all spend dinner together.

"Let's go, Tenya. Don't want you to be late for school."

"Of course Brother. It is imperative that I have a perfect resume to attend U.A in the coming school year." I really wish that I could be looser but the less I act like my vigilante persona, the safer I am from suspicion. I know I can't keep it up forever but I can try for as long as I can.

Tensei just shakes his head at me, knowing that I refuse to get in on my family's word and instead my own merit. We walk out to his car and climb in, pulling out of the driveway as soon as we are both buckled in.

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