The Beginning of Rehabilitation (edited)

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Note: Izuku doesn't receive All Might's quirk in this AU

"Why don't you go take a swan dive off the roof? Maybe you'll get a quirk in your next life!" Katsuki Bakugo snickered, repeating the same sentence he said in their last year in middle school. He left the room laughing to himself, probably going to look for Kirishima.

"Maybe I will."

And that's how Izuku Midoriya found himself on the roof of Aldera Junior High, the wind whipping his uniform in different directions. He chose to go back to his junior high, because there were too many pro heroes to stop him at UA, and it was the one other place Bakugo had said that sentence to him. A girly giggle and a shushing sound came from behind him. He turned around to see a teenage girl in a schoolgirls' outfit. Beside her was a man with purple scars covering most of the exposed skin and lots of piercings.

"Hello!" The girl chirped, jumping up and down. "Please don't die. That wouldn't be cool. My name's Toga!" She said enthusiastically. 

"Toga, calm down, we came to recruit him, not to have a friendly conversation." The man said, rolling his eyes. He looked at Izuku. "So, boy, a little birdie told me that you don't have a quirk. My name is Dabi, and where we may not be able to fix that issue, we can still make it so you aren't totally defenseless."

Izuku just stared at them, his face devoid of any emotion. He turned back around and looked down to see Bakugo walking by the old building, most likely on his way home. He slowly started giggling. Then the giggling turned to full-on laughing. Toga started speaking. "Ooh, what's going on, why are you laughing!?" She said with just as much enthusiasm as before.

Izuku's maniacal laughter cut through the air, causing Bakugo to look up at the source. His eyes widened as he saw his childhood friend on the roof. "I think I'll take you up on that offer," he said, calming down from his laughing fit.

Izuku Midoriya had officially snapped.

----- Four Years Later -----

A new villain had emerged about two years ago, and to everyone's surprise, his villain name was Deku. They had all dismissed the fact that it could have been their old classmate and friend, considering he had committed suicide a few years back according to Bakugo. Everyone was very sad that their quirkless friend had felt the need to do that, and the class was never the same without him. But one person in particular never quite got over him.

Denki Kaminari.

That may seem like a shock, no pun intended, but the boy had actually grown pretty close to the green-haired boy. Maybe even started to develop some more-than-friend feelings for him.

When Kaminari walked into the classroom that day for the class reunion, he did not expect a kid in a black hoodie to be sitting in Bakugo's old seat. "Hey man, you might want to move or blasty over there is gonna blow you to pieces." He warned him, gesturing to the ash blond who was heading over. 

"Hey extra, what are you doing in my seat!?" he shouted. The kid just giggled and stood up. 

"Why Kacchan, I thought you'd be glad to see me after all these years." The boy said, making everyone in the classroom freeze and stare at him in shock. 

"No..." Bakugo whispered. "There's no way. I watched- I WATCHED YOU DIE!" he yelled.

"Have you ever heard of the villain Twice?" Izuku asked, sounding amused. "He can make clones. When you saw me walk away from the edge of the roof and then walk back up, it wasn't me. Twice showed up and took my measurements, then created a clone and made it jump off the roof. Then I joined the League of Villains." Izuku explained. Kaminari looked at him. "But... why?" he asked softly. Izuku turned to look at him, and what he saw filled him with dread. Izuku's eyes looked so... blank. Devoid of any and all emotion.

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