Part 5

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Izuku decided he couldn't stay inside any longer and jumped up, running to what had become his room and throwing on his old villain jumpsuit. It had a hood luckily, so he could at least keep a little dry. He rushed to tug on his combat boots, running out the door when he did.

He barreled into a tall figure who had been rushing towards the house in the rain.

"Sorry!" He shouted over the rain, rushing to get past but being stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.

He looked at the face of the person and saw a long yellow and white mask.

"Oh. Sero. Hey!" He shouted.

The tinted part of the mask flipped up to reveal a (mostly) dry Sero.

He pulled his knees up to his chest again and hugged them. His breathing had picked up, as well as his heartbeat. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus on his breathing, like Kaminari had told him at the mall. Three... six... nine? twelve... e-eighteen? I-I can't... The counting didn't help at all. He just wanted Kaminari back.

Izuku reopened his eyes and looked around the dark house. Black dots had started clouding his vision from not being able to get enough oxygen due to his short inhales. The door flung open, but Izuku hardly noticed. His ears had started ringing. "Mido! Bro, are you okay!?" a voice said, running around to in front of Izuku.

The bright-red hair and pointy teeth revealed him as Kirishima, but Izuku didn't notice. His panic attack had him too far gone. "Hey, hey, calm down! It's alright! I'm here now!" Kirishima had panicked and rushed in when he saw the generator smoking. Kaminari had told him that Izuku was afraid of storms, and the generator blowing and the smoke it was emitting probably caused a loud bang, which led to this panic attack.

"Okay, first off. Mido, can you hear me?" he asked, slowing down his voice and making it clearer and louder. Izuku gave the slightest nod of his head. Kirishima smiled and then asked the next question. "Can you speak?" he asked. Izuku opened his mouth, but just a choking sound and loud pants came out. He had tears streaming down his face as he shook his head. "Okay, that's okay. Is there anyone you want me to get for you?"

Izuku nodded and tried to speak again, but Kirishima stopped him. "No, no don't try to talk. Just point at something that reminds you of them." Izuku's eyes darted around the room, searching for something that reminded him of Kaminari. He spotted the ADHD medicine on the kitchen counter, and raised a shaky hand to gesture at it.

Kirishima stood up from his crouching position in front of the couch and walked into the kitchen, picking up the medicine and reading the prescription label. "Amphetamine... this is for ADHD." he mumbled. Then his eyes widened and he looked back at the crying Izuku. "You want me to get Kami for you?" he asked. Izuku nodded his head, his shaking getting a little worse with every rumble of thunder outside.

"Okay, I will. Will you be okay while I'm gone?" Izuku nodded and pulled his knees closer to his chest.

Kirishima then ran to the door, and right before he opened it he looked at Izuku. "Mido, I'm really proud of you. Kami told us how you asked about All Might last night. You're showing progress." Kirishima smiled, then opened the door and rushed out, closing it behind him.

After about ten minutes of Izuku struggling to breathe and crying, the door slammed open and a drenched Kaminari ran in. "Izuku! Will you be okay while I go and take a really quick shower and change clothes so you won't get wet?" He asked, rushing over to the boy and looking him straight in the eyes.

Izuku nodded, though he wasn't completely sure, and Kaminari ran off to the bathroom.

Another ten minutes later he ran out with his hair only slightly damp and rushed over to Izuku. "Izu, tell me five things you can see." He told the boy. Izuku just shook his head.

"Crap, when Kiri said it was bad and getting worse, he meant it..." Kaminari mumbled. He reached his arms out to hug the boy, but Izuku flinched. "Can I sit down beside you?" he asked softly, maintaining eye contact and making his words as clear as possible. Izuku nodded and Kaminari sat down, wrapping one arm around the scared boy.

Izuku leaned into the warm touch, breathing in the scent of Kaminari's body wash. He laid his head down on Kaminari's chest, the other boy running his fingers through the green hair.

Izuku slowly started to calm down. He sat up and took a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry Denki..." he whispered. The other boy looked at him in confusion. "For what?"

"F-for making you come back here... you should be helping everyone down at the mall, they're actually worth your time," he said.

Kaminari looked at Izuku in disbelief. "Izuku, what do you mean actually worth my time?  You are too." Izuku just looked down at his hands in his lap, starting to cry again. "No, I'm not. You shouldn't have to come up here because I'm too weak to handle a storm! You should be helping the other people, not some wannabe villain that even his own family didn't believe in."

Kaminari sprang forward and hugged Izuku. He let out small sniffles, the only sign that he was crying. "Izuku Midoriya don't you ever say something like that again! You are worth all the time in the world! Your family didn't believe in you? Well fuck them, because I do!"

Izuku just sat in shock for a moment before wrapping his arms around his friend and gripping the back of his shirt. He buried his face into the crook of his neck. "Thank you. For everything. For housing me. For believing in me." Izuku said, pulling the other boy even closer, if possible.

"I love you."

Kaminari pulled back, looking at Izuku's shocked expression, one that matched his own. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that, I just fuck everything up. I'll go, you probably don't want me here anymore because it will probably be really awkward since you most likely don't like me back!" he rambled, standing up and walking backwards to the door. The rain was still pouring pretty heavily, but the lightning and thunder had died down a good bit.

Kaminari stood up as Izuku was putting on his shoes, but before he could get to the boy he opened the door and ran outside into the storm that caused two panic attacks.

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