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Azazel was currently standing outside the room where Salem and Raven was. He just saw Cinder bringing Raven in and he couldn't help but smile.

He told Salem to scare the girl so much that she will gave up on living.

Why he did this? Well, if there is one thing he learned throughout his life is that; to have a very loyal subordinate, make them feel despair before giving them hope.

Most of his generals, especially the Sins were all like that. Some of them were orphans, some were betrayed, some of them were slaves, but they have one thing in common.

They all gave up on living.

So he did what he could do. He gave them hope, he gave them another reason to live and to help him accomplish his goals.

And it was proven to be very effective. Not one of his subordinates betrayed him, not one of them disobeyed him, they are willing to give up their lives for him.

Because for them, he was the one that gave their lives a meaning.

True it might be easier to use hypnotism, and enslave them, but those spells can be broken, there is still nothing better than loyalty they willingly gave.

Suddenly, she felt Salem's aura spiked and heard crashes inside the room. Azazel waited for a few seconds entering.

He opened the door, and saw Salem standing in front of a kneeling Raven looking down on the floor with a lifeless eyes.

"That's enough Salem."

Salem already noticed him standing outside, so when he heard him, she simply smirked before before she stop releasing her aura.

She glanced at Azazel who nodded with a small smile and gave a smile of her own. She then went back to sit on the throne that Azazel built.

Seriously she wasn't actually on planning on making one, but Azazel said that a royalty needed one, especially a ruler like him and her.

Azazel watched her until she sat on the throne before walking towards the still kneeling Raven.

"Are you okay?"

Raven just stared at him blankly before nodding her head. Azazel frowned, looks she was still shaken, Salem really went overboard in scaring this girl.

"Don't worry, its fine now...its fine." He whispered as he help her stand up. She shakily stood up, holding on Azazel to not fall down as her legs were shaking.

"Are you hurt? Don't worry, no one's going to hurt you anymore." He said while caressing Raven's cheeks with a smile.

"Sto-Stop...kill me...just kill me..."

"Sshh...sshh..Don't worry, she won't hurt you. All you see are not real, you're alive, you're not hurt." He said as he used his magic to calm her down.

Azazel frowned when he saw Raven still have a blank look. Salem really went overboard that she perhaps developed a trauma.

"...Just kill me.....please...enough..."

"Don't you want to live anymore? What about your tribe? Are you going to abandon them? Who will lead them when you're gone?"

Raven looked at him with wide eyes, her dull eyes started to regain its will. She can't abandon her tribe, her family, she can't abandon those who raised her.

Her tribe needed her.

"That's Live for your for me...and we'll rule this world, your tribe won't need to hide in the wilds, you won't need to worry about long as you helped me in my'll have everything you ever'll never need to worry about everything ever again..."

That's right. If she joined them, she won't need to worry about the safety of her tribe, as long as she stay with them then they won't have to worry about anything.

Her tribe can live as they want without worries. She knew that there is no point on fighting them, then why not join them?

The strong lives and the weak dies. As long as she stays with them, she will survive, her tribe will survive.

Ozpin? Qrow? They can fuck themselves, they don't know the true horrors of their enemy, they are nothing in front of Salem and this man.

Azazel smirked when he saw the life returning to her eyes. He brought his head to her ears and whispered, " long as you remain loyal, I can give you...anything..."

Raven stared at Azazel, this man was the one who pulled her out of that darkness, the one who gave her hope to live once again.

She decided, as the man who gave her a new purpose in life...she will gladly pledge her loyalty to him, she will gladly serve him.

"I, Raven Branwen, swear my loyalty to you and serve you for as long as I still have my breath, you who have given me purpose."

Azazel smiled as he took Raven's right hand and kissed the back of her palm as his mark appeared.

"This is my Royal means that your life is now tied to mine, your life now belongs to me, you are mine..."

Raven glanced at the mark on her hand fascination as she felt an incredible power coming from it, if what she guessed was right then this power wouldn't lose to a maiden.

She also felt like she became younger, well there's not much of a change on her appearance as despite nearing forty she still looks like in her twenties.

She then looked straight into Azazel's eyes and she felt herself getting lost staring at it.

Salem, who was sitting on her throne narrowed her eyes when she saw the look Raven was giving Azazel. She couldn't help but scoffed as a scowl appeared on her face.

'Great...another one.'

Azazel simply smiled and caressed Raven's cheeks. "Then, from now on, you will live and die for me. You may call me Azazel."

"....As you wish, lord Azazel."

Azazel just rose an eyebrow but didn't think too much about it. He just hope that she won't turn into something like Tyrian, he already had enough fanatic followers as is.

"Very well, you may leave and practice your new power, or you can go back to your tribe. I may call you a few days later."

Raven hesitated for a moment before nodding. Her semblance can allow her to create portal to a person she has emotionally bonded with.

She has one for her brother, her ex-lover, Vernal, her daughter, and now her lord and savior. She can travel back and forth from here to her tribe.

Raven bowed at Azazel before picking up her sword on the ground before swinging it in the air, as an ovular shaped portal with a swirling black and red energy appeared.

She glanced at Azazel one last time before walking towards the portal, as it disappeared soon after she went through it.

Azazel smiled before walking towards his throne and sat down.

Salem looked at him before looking through the windows and said, "So, am I yours too?"

"Hm?" Azazel turned towards Salem in confusion.

"You said that those who have your mark belongs to you. Am I yours too?"

Azazel's eyes widened for brief moment before a gentle smile appeared on his face. He held Salem's hand with his mark on it, as Salem looked at him with her eyebrow rose.

"You are mine indeed...from now and forever....gods will die if they do as part."

Salem scoffed before turning her head away, but also held his hand tighter.

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